Reference no: EM132977207
Simulation based assessment task 1:
Assume that you are working as an enrolled nurse in an aged care facility. Your facility is currently conducting an infection control audit (internal audit). You are a member of the audit team on your floor in the facility.
Assume that you have returned to work after suffering from fever and a cough and that you still have an occasional cough and running nose. You also had a fall the day before while at home and had a small cut on your index finger and a minor abrasion on the back of your ring finger.
You are asked to inspect your workplace (simulated nursing environment) and identify all infection hazards. Once infection hazards are identified, you are required to undertake the following activities:
• Assess risk by determining the likelihood and severity of harm from identified hazards. Risk assessment reference guidelines are provided at the end of this task.
• Identify appropriate control measures to minimise risk.
• Complete the risk assessment form (provided with the observation checklist for this task).
• Report the identified hazards to the registered nurse.
• Remove the identified hazards from the workplace using appropriate techniques and personal protective equipment (PPE).
• Follow appropriate personal hygiene and hand hygiene practices (both the use of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) and hand washing)
• Demonstrate appropriate respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. Demonstrate:
o The use of appropriate PPE when coughing.
o Use and disposal of tissue paper when coughing or sneezing.
o What you will do when a PPE or tissue is not readily available Note to the candidate:
• Your assessor will play the role of the registered nurse.
• Complete and submit the risk assessment form.
The total time allocated to complete this task is twenty (20) minutes (including inspection, discussion and documentation).
Simulation based assessment task 2:
Assume that you are working as an enrolled nurse in a medical ward. This task will assess your knowledge and skills in using standard and additional precautions.
Your assessor will make sure that a range of PPE are available in the area outside a patient's room (simulated nursing environment). You are required to demonstrate:
a. Appropriate use of PPE, if the patient is on contact precautions due to gastroenteritis. Print out and place an appropriate sign for contact precautions on the patient's door.
b. Appropriate use of PPE, if there is a risk of blood splash contamination from a patient who has an infectious blood borne disease.
You must don and remove the appropriate PPE for each situation.
Simulation based assessment task 3:
Assume that you are working as an enrolled nurse in an operation theatre. You are about to assist in a surgical procedure. Demonstrate pre-surgical hand preparation (surgical scrub) in the simulated nursing environment.
The total time allocated to complete this task is seven (7) minutes
Simulation based assessment task 4:
Assume that you are working as an enrolled nurse in a surgical ward. A client in your ward had vomited blood. There was a small blood spill of less than 10cm on the floor and spots of blood on the over bed table and the client's spectacles.
The registered nurse took the client to the client observation room for further management and asked you to clean the blood spots on the table and the blood spill on the floor. You must demonstrate appropriate use of the spill kit when cleaning the blood spill on the floor.
You are also required to clean the room and arrange the following equipment kept in the client's room for cleaning and reuse or disposal.
• Bed linen and mattress cover
• Medication chart
• The client's moisturising cream and perfume left on the over bed table
• Urinal and bed pan kept under the client's bed
• Observation machine
You must enforce clean and contaminated zones and limit contamination, as appropriate. The total time allocated to complete this task is fifteen (15) minutes