Identify a unique type of file in windows or linux

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13805931

Discussion 1:

• Click the link above to respond to the discussion. If you need help with completing discussions please click here for more information.
"Single versus Parallel Arrays" Please respond to the following:

• Describe one (1) scenario not mentioned in the textbook in which the use of an array would be a plausible solution. Support your response with an example of the described use of the array.

• Describe one (1) scenario not mentioned in the textbook in which the use of parallel arrays would be a plausible solution. Support your response with an example of the described use of the array.

Discussion 2:

• Click the link above to respond to the discussion. If you need help with completing discussions please click here for more information.
"Data Hierarchy" Please respond to the following:

• Discuss the manner in which you use the data hierarchy in either a Linux or Windows environment to organize your own files for the ease of locating them when needed.

• Identify a unique type of file in Windows or Linux with which you are familiar. Suggest the key factors that in your opinion make this a unique type of file.

Reference no: EM13805931

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