Identify a typical developmental milestone for a person

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Reference no: EM133533937

Questions: In your first post, respond to the questions below. Give details and specific examples to support your answers. Provide a citation for any website where you find information to support your posts.

1. Which areas of development (physical, cognitive, emotional, etc.) are useful to study? Explain your answer.

2. Which of the developmental theories/theorists covered this week do you feel is most accurate/useful?

3. Identify a typical developmental milestone for a person at a specific stage in the theory you identified and explain how achievement of this milestone might be impacted by genetics and environment.

4. Do you feel one factor-genetics or environment-might impact a person more strongly at certain ages? For example, if an infant is at home with only a parent all day for the first year of life, will her acquisition of language, motor skills, and the like be different in comparison to that of a child who spends her first year in daycare with several children of varying ages? What if the two children in this example were six years old?


Reference no: EM133533937

Questions Cloud

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Identify a typical developmental milestone for a person : Which areas of development (physical, cognitive, emotional, etc.) are useful to study? Explain your answer. Which of the developmental theories/theorists
Identify the academic and curriculum-related issues : In a school in which you attended and/or currently work, identify the academic and/or curriculum-related issues that exists.
Describe key performance indicators : Describe how Key Performance Indicators (KPI) would benefit someone working as a project manager in business.
Why do we still have the urge to engage in behaviors : Why do we still have the urge to engage in behaviors which are punished or not rewarded? How can this relate to the fate of the soul in some cultures?
Write descriptive annotated bibliography on artistic school : Write descriptive annotated bibliography on an artistic school, period, trend or style in film. You may focus on topic or your research may compare two schools.


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