Identify a type of nonprofit organization

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Reference no: EM133509467

Problem: End Homelessness Program

The Benefits and Challenges of Nonprofit Organizations

Can someone help me grapple with the benefits and challenges of the structure of your proposal for a new program in a nonprofit organization (The End Homelessness Program). Based upon your community problem, identify a type of nonprofit organization that would be an appropriate host for your program. Provide a rationale for your choice. Then, complete your initial post with at least two benefits and one challenge for adopting a nonprofit organization model for your program.

For-Profit Business Opportunities

You have identified a specific community problem (Homelessness in Georgia) through your community needs assessment. How can I present at least two specific ways in which for-profit businesses could help address this community problem. Provide a rationale that links the for-profit business, its program (of a service and/or product), and the community problem.

Reference no: EM133509467

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