Identify a topic involving the intersection of business

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Reference no: EM131449660 , Length: 9


The term paper for Advanced Topics in Political Science will involve one the following:

You can tackle the general question over what is preferable as an engine of success in American society government or business, private sector or public. Select a policy issue as your case study. Be sure to provide constitutional support, evolution of policy on the issue, along with a discussion of foundational values. Take a position, one way or the other, on the larger issue and the case, or

You can identify a topic involving the intersection of business and government in the United States in the 21st century. Detail the nature of the issue, on whose behalf the topic is being advanced and, how it is being advanced. Show how this issue illustrates the relationship between these two spheres of American society. You are going to need to cite relevant constitutional, historical and legal considerations that are salient for the topic. Your task is to characterize the outcome as being a net positive or negative for American society, in your explanation of the outcome.

You will then select another nation in the world and show how the same or similar issue has been addressed there. You will cite relevant traditions there that account for its outcome. You will explain which outcome and system you regard as the preferred one. If they are equally meritorious, that is fine as well.


I. Problem Identification.

II. Brief Topic Description

III. Research Questions

IV. Hypotheses

V. Detailed topic description

VI. Detailed outcome description

VII. Comparative Analysis (if comparative)

VIII. Conclusion

Reference no: EM131449660

Questions Cloud

Perfectly competitve industry is in long-run equilibrium : Part one: Assume that initially a perfectly competitve industry is in long-run equilibrium.
Describe background of the statutory board of your choice : Briefly describe the background of the statutory board of your choice. Also, include a description of the profile of its ‘customers'.
Write a debriefing report on slowing down rate of growth : Read Case Study I-2 entitled ", Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier" on pages 128-143 in your textbook, Managing Information.
Discuss the over-treatment and under-treatment of addiction : Respond to a colleague who chose a different example of under-treatment or over-treatment and provide an additional consequence.
Identify a topic involving the intersection of business : illustrates the relationship between these two spheres of American society. You are going to need to cite relevant constitutional, historical and legal considerations that are salient for the topic - Your task is to characterize the outcome as bein..
Compare the internal validity with external validty : Compare and contrast the following terms: Test-retest reliability with inter-rather reliability. Internal validity with external validty.
Should judges be friends with attorneys that litigate cases : Should judges be friend with attorneys that litigate cases in front of their court, or is this socializing outside of the courtroom detrimental to a fair trial?
Justify the nash equilibrium conditions : Exercise: (Nash demand game)* Consider the problem of dividing a pie between two players. If we let x and y denote player l and player 2 payoffs.
Calculate the set of daily returns : Calculate the set of daily returns that correspond to these daily price series - Based on your results in Part d, which stock appears to be the riskiest?


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