Identify a target element with alternative relative locator

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133673705

Task: Relative locator APIs in Selenium 

You have learned how to use Selenium APIs to open a webpage, locate HTML elements by various attributes (such as id, name and xpath) and populate HTML input elements by your own choice of values. Sometimes a target input element cannot be directly identified simply due to absence of attributes commonly used to locate elements, rather a neighboring identifiable element can be of help. In this task, you will explore Selenium's relative locators APIs and use officework's registration webpage  as a use case. Summarise and submit your understanding. Make recommendations on how Selenium could improve element locating APIs.

Submission details
Use the instructions on the following page to carry out this task's steps. Submit the following files to OnTrack.
A PowerPoint presentation summarising relative locators APIs applied on the test website along with your self­reflection.
You will need to recommend a better way Selenium could use to improve element locating APIs.
Your program's source code.
You want to focus on the following key ideas, and make sure you can explain them in relation to your program.
Selenium web­driver's relative locators APIs to identify input element and buttons.

Your Task
You task is to
Study the relative locators APIs of Selenium web­deriver and understand them.
Open URL using Selenium API.
Identify web elements where relative locators API functions can be applied to locate a target element in terms of another element's neighborhood. Fill values in target elements.
Identify a target element with alternative relative locator API functions.
Locate the Create account button and simulate a click action.
Use Selenium screenshot API to capture the chromium browser screen and save the image file.
Create a PowerPoint presentation summarising the use of relative locator APIs and how they are used in your code so that your slides can be used to disseminate knowledge in the next class lectures.

Reference no: EM133673705

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