Identify a suitable target market

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131618451

Task: Create a marketing plan by applying the theories in line with the overarching framework that you learn in MMK101 to allow Shebah to expand and service the Melbourne Metropolitan market.

This assessment is designed to allow students to analyse real-world problems facing Shebah and propose solutions to fulfill the given objectives. This is consistent with the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) and Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) as follow:

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
ULO 1: Identify and explain theoretical concepts and the marketing mix elements employed in marketing strategy development
GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO 4: Critical thinking

ULO 2: Explain the use of market information in developing segmentation and positioning strategies
GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO 3: Digital literacy GLO 4: Critical thinking

ULO 3: Apply the marketing concept and marketing strategy in various contexts including profit and not-for-profit organisations, including government

GLO 1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO 3: Digital literacy GLO 4: Critical thinking GLO 8: Global citizenship

Assessment 1: Digital Literacy Module (DLM)Where is the Digital Literacy Module located?

1. Complete the "Pre-Module Self-Assessment" section located in the introduction page in the MMK101 unit site. This unlocks the quiz to the "Find" section.
2. Complete the "Find" section, then complete the quiz (link to quiz is located in the "Find" section). You must achieve at least 80% to unlock the "Use" section of the module.
3. Students complete the "Use" section, then complete the quiz. Students must achieve at least 80% to unlock the "Share" section of the module.
4. Students complete the "Share" section, then complete the final quiz. Students must achieve at least 80%.
5. Students complete the "Post-Module Self-Assessment".

Assessment 2: Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation and Positioning Strategy

Shebah would like to expand and service the Melbourne metropolitan market. Your task is to segment the market, identify which segment Shebah should target, and recommend how Shebah should differentiate and position themselves to best serve the recommended target market.

750 Words

Assessment 3: Marketing Strategy Recommendations
1500 WordsBased on who you have recommended Shebah should target and how you recommended Shebah should position themselves, you must now recommend a detailed extended marketing mix strategy that will help Shebah to successfully reach their goals.

The consumer profile and the positioning statement presented in Assessment 2 should be used as the basis of the marketing strategy recommended here in Assessment 3. The feedback you received for Assessment 2 should be used to strengthen your strategic recommendations in Assessment 3.

You have been hired by Shebah as an independent marketing consultant to complete a marketing plan in relation to a segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategy (Assessment 2) and strategic recommendations to expand and service the marketplace in Melbourne (Assessment 3).


Shebah is a female only ride sharing service. Shebah provides women both with a safe transport option and a flexible job option. Shebah was established in response to women not feeling safe on public transport, in taxis and in other ride sharing services and, because they sometimes feel threatened when employed as drivers for other ride sharing services.

Please refer to the video case study, for more information. The case study can be found on the MMK101 CloudDeakin site under Assessment Resources. This video case study must be used as the basis for your segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategy (Assessment 2) and your strategic recommendations (Assessment 3).

The three (3) objectives of the marketing plan for Shebah are to:
1. Identify a suitable target market for Shebah within the Melbourne metropolitan market.
2. Identify how Shebah should position themselves within the Melbourne metropolitan market.
3. Develop marketing strategies using three (3) of the extended marketing mix elements (7Ps) that will enable Shebah to successfully expand into the Melbourne metropolitan area and service the recommended target market.

Wishing you an enjoyable time researching and developing your reports and we look forward to reading your wonderful plans.

Verified Expert

This task focuses on the company called Shebah. Taking in consideration the last assignment that is assignment 2 this assignment is prepared. Which includes the expanded marketing strategies for the company. Three elements of expanded marketing are discussed that can help the organization in achieving the organizational goals. The solution is divided into three main headings that is introduction main body and the conclusion that summarizes the findings of the solution.

Reference no: EM131618451

Questions Cloud

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Identify a suitable target market : MMK101 Marketing Fundamentals Assessment Brief - Shebah - Identify a suitable target market for Shebah within the Melbourne metropolitan market.
Describe the types of things that inspire you to creativity : Determine whether you prefer Debussy or Mahler after listening to works by each at the Websites below or in this week's Music Folder.
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10/13/2017 4:33:11 AM

Hi, Thank you for all the effort you have put into this assignment, it looks good to me. Thank you for the great service. I assure you to come back to you again for sure. thank you very much.


10/13/2017 4:32:00 AM

I will pay 50% of the amount of the amount will pay once you complete the assignment. I made my 50% payment. Please continue with the assignment. Also I will attach my assessment 2, so you can get an idea with that also. You only need to do assessment 3 only which is containing 40% marks. The assignment consists of 3 parts. (assignment 1,2 & 3). I have completed 1 and 2. You have to only work on assignment 3. Thank you. I have already made 50% of the payment so please start my assignment. Check This 24819295_1URU LIYANAGE GUNASINGHE 217405192 MMK101 ASSESMENT 2.docx Above video is needed for the assignment also


8/29/2017 7:59:27 AM

Overall 5 General communication - Following the requirements listed on pages 9 to 11 of this brief - Appropriate use of digital resources – skills you will have developed from completion of the compulsory Digital Literacy Module - Use of credible and relevant sources (minimum of 5 different sources, with at least 2 of these being peer reviewed sources) - Correct and consistent use of the Harvard style of referencing


8/29/2017 7:59:19 AM

3 (150 words) 20 Market Targeting and Consumer Profile From the various segments profiled in Part 2 CHOOSE ONE target market for Shebah to target and provide a fully referenced justification of the chosen target market: - Choose ONE target market and justify why they should be the target market Shebah directs their marketing activities towards, supported with academic literature - Provide a detailed consumer profile of your target market based on the segmentation variables as detailed in Section 2 4 (200 words) 30 Differentiation and Positioning Considering the target market that you have selected, discuss how you would differentiate and position Shebah’s market offerings in consumers’ minds (fully referenced): - Consider the 5 bases of differentiation (product, image, service, people, channel) and choose the most appropriate bases (more than one) to discuss - You must provide a positioning statement and illustrate where Shebah is positioned, relative to competitors, on a positioning map (sometimes referred to as a perceptual map)


8/29/2017 7:59:11 AM

Section Marks Details (optional/suggested breakdown of word limit in brackets) 1 (100 words) 10 Background: Please provide a brief fully referenced background to this report. This should include: - An industry overview - Description of the market offering provided by Shebah 2 (300 words) 35 Market Segmentation Provide a fully referenced overview of the segmentation bases that are most likely used/could be used by Shebah. in segmenting their market of potential customers: - Only focus on the relevant segmentation bases and provide a justified rationale for why you think they are the mostrelevant and why others are not - Provide three (3) appropriate market segments for the company to consider targeting – use a segmentation table to present this information Note: Shebah is a service for women, your segmentation table should further segment the market to create more effective segments.


8/29/2017 7:58:58 AM

3 (300 words) 15 Conclusions with Implications for the Company: Make sure your conclusion and implications: - Summarise the important elements of both Assessments (Assessments 2 & 3) - State the implications for the company of the findings from your reports - What marketing metrics would you recommend to measure the success (or otherwise) of this plan? Overall 5 General communication - Following the requirements listed on pages 9 to 11 of this brief - Appropriate use of digital resources - Use of credible and relevant sources (minimum of 7 different sources) with at least 4 of these being Peer Reviewed Sources - Correct, consistent use of the Harvard style of referencing - Concise, clear, professional language and writing style


8/29/2017 7:58:52 AM

Section Marks Details (optional/suggested breakdown of word limit in brackets) 1 5 Background Summary of Assessment 2: In the provided template for Assessment 3 identify your target market and positioning statement developed from Assessment 2. 2 (1200 words) 75 Marketing Mix: Provide a fully referenced discussion of three extended marketing mix element strategies that you are recommending be used by Shebah to meet its objectives (page 4 of this brief), with justification. Aspects that you need to address, include: - Relevant aspects of Marketing Mix elements. - How should they be used? Be specific. - Justify your recommendations – be creative, but ground your decisions in reality and base them on best-practice - Make sure you discuss at each stage how these strategic recommendations relate to the stated objectives and how they will help Shebah meet the needs of the target market you recommended and their ideal positioning.


8/29/2017 7:58:43 AM

Writing and formatting: General writing issues such as poor spelling, grammar, English expression, formatting, and the like will attract penalties ranging from 10% to 100% of the total Assessment marks depending on severity. This is to be formatted as a business report (not an essay) and is to be written as if you are an independent business consultant – NOTE: Letter or Memorandum, Executive Summary (abstract) and Methodology sections are NOT required. Your Assessment is to be formatted as follows: - Word document format only, A4 size (NO PDF) - One (1) single file - 12 point, Times New Roman font - Fully justified paragraphs, 1.5 or double spaced - Normal margins (2.54 cm left, right, top andbottom) - The assessments should follow a professional report writing format, including: Title Page, Table of Contents, and relevant headings and sub-headings described in this document. Assessment templates have been provided to assist you with the formatting of your report.


8/29/2017 7:58:28 AM

Extensions/Late submission: • Extensions to the dates for submission of this Assessment will be considered only if a written request with supporting documentation is submitted and negotiated with the Unit Chair. • Late Submission Penalty: If the assessment is submitted late without an approved extension from the Unit Chair, a marking penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted each day for up to five days. If the assessment is submitted more than five days after the due date it will not be marked and will be awarded zero (0%) for the task.


8/29/2017 7:57:04 AM

Word count: Assessments which go over the word limit (+/-10%) will, in fairness to other students, be penalised between 10% and 100% of the available marks depending on severity. The word limit penalty is 5% of the available marks for every 10% by which the word limit for each assessment is exceeded. The word limit does not include the Title Page, Table of Contents, Tables/Figures, Reference Lists, and Appendices but does include everything else (i.e. In-text citations, headings, and any other material submitted).

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