Identify a specific social issue between two groups

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Reference no: EM13324986

Details of task

The topic is on intergroup relations: experiencing subtle racism

1. Identify a specific social issue between two groups (eg. Indigenous Australians and non-indigenous Australians)

2. Discuss the identified issue in its broader context, at the same time integrating relevant theoretical perspectives.(eg. Social identity and relative deprivation theories)Clearly define the theories and its broad relevance to the argument (referencing is important for theories)

3. Use relevant research to build a logical argument and discussion

4. Propose some potential directions of future research

Important tips

1. State clearly what is the main focus of the paper

2. Build a logical argument: your argument should be clear and logical. An excellent paper will avoid broad generalisations, will be objective in considering evidence, and will address counterarguments to what you propose.

3. Use evidence to support your argument: Your argument should be based on empirical evidence that comes from studies that are clearly described. The evidence to support your assertions should be clear.

4. Overall writing style: It should be straightforward, clear and easy to follow. Your paper should be well-organised and written for a professional audience. The paper should be carefully proofread before submission.

5. Referencing style: The paper should follow APA or Harvard formats.

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Reference no: EM13324986

Questions Cloud

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Find the initial speed of the grasshopper : A grasshopper jumps a horizontal distance of 1.50 m from rest, with an initial velocity at a 41.0° angle with respect to the horizontal. Find the initial speed of the grasshopper
How can bad advertising affect market equilibrium : How can bad advertising affect market equilibrium
How far does he jump : A long jumper (as shown in the figure) leaves the ground at an angle of 17.0° to the horizontal and at a speed of 10.6 m/s. How far does he jump
Identify a specific social issue between two groups : Identify a specific social issue between two groups and discuss the identified issue in its broader context, at the same time integrating relevant theoretical perspectives
Explain raoult''s law and dalton''s law of partial pressure : Describe, using Raoult's law and Dalton's law of partial pressure, why the vapor pressure of a pair of miscible ideal liquids will always be somewhere in between the vapor pressures of the pure liquids (at the same temperatures).
Writing poetry called the poet''s companion : Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux have written a book on writing poetry called The Poet's Companion
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Identify the verb phrase : Identify the verb phrase.


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