Identify a specific criminal offender

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Reference no: EM133325221

Question: Identify a specific criminal offender and determine three reasons why they may have committed their crime. Since you do not yet know any specific Criminology theories, these do not have to have theoretical names / bases. Although, you may want to consider some of the key words introduced in this week's readings / PowerPoint.

In general, I am trying to get you to think about why people commit crimes. For instance, consider their childhood, their opportunity, their thought process, etc. This is essentially a brain storming exercise to understand how you think about criminal behaviors and motives for criminality.

Also include /conclude with which one of the three reasons you think best explains their criminal behavior. This crime should be something you seek out on your own / provide an APA source for (i.e., a newspaper article about the crime, etc.).

The purpose of this assignment (and course in general) is to take the course knowledge and apply it to real world situations. You may also want to include a question about this criminal offender, so that other students have something to answer in their second response portion.

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Reference no: EM133325221

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