Identify a similar tendency in medieval culture

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Reference no: EM131215804

During the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, several controversies occurred regarding the press coverage of female athletes. Repeatedly, the press treated the women as secondary to male athletes, or ascribed their athletic accomplishments to the men in their lives. For one example of this, see:

In another instance, a woman's record-setting gold-medal performance was attributed to her husband, who coached her.

What this reporting demonstrated is that, in our culture, there is still the tendency to treat women as secondary to men; and to consider women's identities as defined by the men in their lives.

Using La Compiuta Donzella's poetry as a source, write a one- or two-paragraph paper in which you identify a similar tendency in medieval culture. Make sure to cite the relevant passages from her sonnets.

Reference no: EM131215804

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Identify a similar tendency in medieval culture : Write a paper and identify a similar tendency in medieval culture.- During the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, several controversies occurred regarding the press coverage of female athletes.
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