Identify a problem or issue related to practice

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Reference no: EM133236180 , Length: Word Count: 5 Pages

Assignment - Nursing Leadership Experience Paper

Description - COMPETENCIES

1. Manager of the Healing Environment

The graduate responds to unpredictable situations and events common in the healthcare environment with appropriate flexibility and creativity.

2. The Nurse as Scientist

The graduate correctly interprets and applies scientific evidence when planning and providing safe, quality, and culturally sensitive care for patients and families.

3. The Nurse as Detective

The graduate detects subtle changes and deviations from expected health patterns while managing the care of patients.

4. Interprofessional Practices

The graduate analyzes the impact of new and diverse advanced nursing and care provider roles on interprofessional practice.

INTRODUCTION - Nursing is a practice discipline that includes direct and indirect care activities that affect health outcomes. As a baccalaureate nursing student, you are developing new competencies in leadership, and in order to achieve mastery, you must apply those competencies to live practice experiences and situations. This Leadership Learning Experience (LLE) is designed to allow you to choose a clinical focus (e.g., practice, policy, education, population) in which you apply your leadership problem-solving skills. The LLE requires engagement with other people within the setting to complete.

You will develop a project within a practice setting that allows you to develop these leadership skills. You will identify a problem area in a practice setting that you specifically want to address (e.g., practice, policy, population, education) that aligns with organizational priorities. Example sources for the problem area may include the following:

Practice: joint commission standards, core measures as quality indicators, other data

Policy: legislation, staffing ratio, regulations from state boards

Population: children with diabetes, adult obesity

Education: future of nursing, Benner's recommendations about nursing education

You will focus on a real-life solution for the problem. You should choose a topic that is timely, manageable, and realistic to the current healthcare environment. An external resource person (i.e., manager, clinical leader, clinical educator, policy expert, or population expert) must confirm the relevance of the selected project and your engagement in the setting as part of project completion. As with all projects, you should think how you, as a nurse, function in the following roles: detective, scientist, and manager of the healing environment.

A. Develop a written proposal by doing the following:

1. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.

Note: You may need to meet with your organization or practice setting, your manager, or your supervisor to help choose a current problem or issue.

a. Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose and the healthcare environment.

2. Discuss your investigation of the problem or issue.

a. Provide evidence to substantiate the problem or issue (e.g., organizational assessment, national source documents, evidence from a stakeholder).

3. Analyze the state of the situation using current data.

a. Analyze areas that might be contributing to the problem or issue.

4. Propose a solution or innovation for the problem or issue.

a. Justify your proposed solution or innovation based on the results of your investigation and analysis.

5. Recommend resources to implement your proposed solution or innovation. Include a cost-benefit analysis of your proposed solution or innovation.

6. Provide a timeline for implementation based on your proposal.

7. Discuss why each key stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation.

a. Summarize your engagement with the key stakeholders or partners, including the input and feedback you received.

b. Discuss how you intend to work with those key stakeholders or partners in order to achieve success.

8. Discuss how your proposed solution or innovation could be implemented, including how the implementation could be evaluated for success.

B. Explain how you fulfilled the following roles during your process of investigation and proposal development:

1. scientist

2. detective

3. manager of the healing environment

Reference no: EM133236180

Questions Cloud

Identify the total number of resources available : Identify the total number of resources available from the Trinity Library. How many of these are "peer reviewed"? How many are "full text"
Outline the cross-cultural management study : 1. Define culture. How can culture be conceptualized? 2. Outline the cross-cultural management study by Hofstede and discuss it.
Describe the americans with disabilities act : Question 1: Describe the Americans with Disabilities Act. Question 2: Describe the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
Should have a drug for large cumulative project : Should have selected a drug for your large cumulative project and received approval from your instructor. Now that you know which drug you will be researching.
Identify a problem or issue related to practice : Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve
How might a psychologist be involved in studying problems : Do you think there are psychological aspects to these issues? How might a psychologist be involved in studying and resolving such problems?
Identify substance most commonly abused in state : To begin, please use the following weblinks to identify the substance(s) most commonly abused in your state.
Reviewing the communication process : After reviewing the communication process, communication channels, and cross-cultural communication in chapter 8, create a wiki entry
Sustainability and supply chain management : 1. What technique(s) from Chapter 8-9 spoke to you and why?


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