Reference no: EM132170402
Question: Expressing Your Ideas for a Professional Audience
Identify a problem or issue in your chosen career field.
Imagine you are now working in your dream job. You have, however, noticed a problem in the organization, business, or nonprofit you work for and want to use your problem-solving skills to help address the issue. Locate one source which addresses this problem and could be integrated into your professional memo to support your ideas.
Write a 3-4-paragraph memo to a decision maker within this organization, addressing the problem and the solution you propose. Integrate one source which addresses this problem and could be integrated into your professional memo to support your ideas.
Be sure to:
• Summarize the problem or issue.
• Integrate paraphrased information from a related source to support your ideas.
• Give credit to the author of the source.
• Identify how this issue or problem is relevant to your specific audience.
• Make a recommendation for what your audience should do with this information. For help with generating ideas for your Unit 9 Assignment, review the Unit 9 Assignment guidelines.
What philosopher or philosophy studied
: What philosopher or philosophy studied so far in this book has caused a fundamental change in your thinking/personal philosophy and why?
What is a vty and why is it necessary to configure
: In cisco swtiches what is a vty and why is it necessary to configure?
How would locke have addressed or solved the problem
: Using what you have learned from collaborations, discussions, and readings up to this week, explore your answers to these ethical dilemmas.
What the test case is and the result
: This test function should run when your program starts up. Show the user what the test case is and the result. The program must not require any user input.
Identify a problem or issue in your chosen career field
: Imagine you are now working in your dream job. You have, however, noticed a problem in the organization, business, or nonprofit you work for.
Explain why you agree with your chosen side
: Pick a side! With reference to your chosen character, explain why you agree with your chosen side, i.e., if you agree with Searle, why do you agree with Searle?
Identify two government officias who disagreed with military
: After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the "war" on terror.
How would the fraud risk factors identified
: how would the fraud risk factors identified in Question #1 have influenced the nature, timing, and extent of your audit work
The stark law and the federal anti-kickback statute
: Compare and contrast the main requirements of the Stark Law and the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute.