Identify a preliminary topic for your dissertation

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Reference no: EM133535558

Homework: Psychology Premise Completion and Doctoral Committee Matching

Length: 8 to 10 pages.

This homework has two parts. First, you will complete a premise on your proposed dissertation topic. Second, you will complete the Doctoral Committee Matching form and submit the premise for committee matching.

Students who already have a chair:

A. If you have a chair but need a second committee member, complete Part I and Part II. For Part II, you will indicate you need a second committee member on the form and not a chair.

B. If you already have both a chair and a second committee member, submit a document to your instructor indicating you already have an approved committee and provide the names of chair and SCM.

Part I: Premise Completion

As noted in the Dissertation Premise Guide, the premise consists of four parts:

1. title
2. problem statement
3. approach (i.e. proposed methodology) for the study
4. references

The Dissertation Premise document is used in two ways:

1. To identify a preliminary topic (i.e., a research problem) for your dissertation. This topic should be the product of an initial investigation on your part but will be subject to change and refinement and will inform the development of your prospectus.

2. To help match the faculty members who will guide your development of the Dissertation Prospectus. This process varies across different programs, so please follow the guidance in your program of study.

3. For a sample premise and description of the premise, see the Premise Guide.

Part II: Doctoral Committee Matching Homework

You will also complete the Doctoral Committee Matching form using the link below. Program leadership will use information provided via this form to review your plans and needs to match you with an appropriate committee chair and second committee member. While not required, you may request specific faculty from your program to serve on your committee. Please note that, while we would like to honor all requests, the program leadership must take a number of factors into consideration, such as faculty availability and expertise, when completing matches.

You will start working with your chair when you take PSYC 8115 Writing A Quality Prospectus and will continue with your chair when you move into PSYC 9000.

Keep in mind that you will not be registered for dissertation (PSYC 9000) until all other coursework has been successfully completed. Committee Matching Requests should only be completed if you are in PSYC 8702/8700.

Reference no: EM133535558

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