Identify a national social equity policy

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM132916146 , Length: 30 pages

The Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance focuses on issues of fairness, justice, and equity in a variety of public contexts, including, but not limited to: workplace, education, policing, welfare, housing, and transportation. Specifically, the panel strives to eliminate discrimination in the public arena focusing on the areas of race, sexual orientation/gender identity, social class and gender.

Early in its development this Standing Panel developed the following definition of social equity: "The fair, just and equitable management of all institutions serving the public directly or by contract; the fair, just and equitable distribution of public services and implementation of public policy; and the commitment to promote fairness, justice, and equity in the formation of public policy." This Panel addresses multiple facets of social equity in governance, serving to advance research and create a resource for researchers, students, scholars, and public administrators.

Social equity and justice are critical intellectual and practical areas in the public administration and policy arena. To strengthen our understanding of community indicators and performance measurements related to these issues, ASPA's (American Society for Public Administration) Center for Accountability and Performance (CAP) has chartered a fellowship program for practitioners and academics to identify methodologies for advancing the measurement of social equity. CAP and the Social Equity in Governance Standing Panel of the National Academy of Public Administration is sponsoring the Fellowship.

In a well-crafted statement of 25 to 30 pages, double-spaced, identify a national social equity policy as though your group were applying for a fellowship from CAP. A social equity policy may be for example Education analysis the bill and state where the limitations are and what your fellowship would achieve in helping to eliminate these policy deficiencies.

Your statement should include the following sections:
1. Policy and policy history.
2. Policy issues and policy Intent.
3. Policy Limitations.
4. Outcome for fellowship.
5. Goals and methodology(ies) for evaluating the goals.
6. Conclusion.

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Reference no: EM132916146

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6/14/2021 10:25:18 PM

Class Name MPA Public Policy Expert who would work in this research paper should be an expert in MPA Public Policy first, I need an outline for the research paper, and then when approved I need 30 to 35 pages of paper according to the requirements in the attached assignment description.

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