Identify a major issue the organization

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132984770

Each year Fortune magazine publishes a "Most Admired" list of the top companies in the United States. Firms are rated on these eight dimensions: innovativeness, quality of management, long-term investment value, social responsibility to the community and the environment, people management, quality of products and services, financial soundness, wise use of corporate assets. International companies are rated on a ninth dimension: effectiveness in doing business globally.

For this assignment, select an organization with which you are familiar (you may choose an organization you frequently do business with or one where you currently or have previously worked). Then, choose one of the eight dimensions used to rate top U.S. companies in which the organization appears to be underperforming.

Compose a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides.

Your presentation should address the following:

  1. Identify a major issue the organization is facing and in which of the eight dimensions it is underperforming
  2. Explain the ramifications the underperformance is currently having on the organization. Identify the likely consequence of failure to improve in the selected dimension.
  3. Analyze the relevance of the current organizational structure, design, and culture and their influence on organizational effectiveness, especially in relationship to the dimension in which the organization is struggling. Provide citations to support your analysis.
  4. Determine whether the organization embodies the principles and values of conscious culture and management and its relevance to improving organizational function.
  5. Present a plan to bring about necessary improvement using Kotter's eight-step change model.
  6. Address possible challenges to the suggested change and your plans for managing those challenges. Explain how different subsystems need to be realigned in order to bring about the change.
  7. Detail any lessons learned and evaluate strategies that you, as a manager, will either avoid or engage in when designing the structure, building culture, and managing change in your organization. Provide citations to support your claims.

You are required to use at least three academic references to strengthen and support your claims and recommendations. Ensure each content slide has supporting citations and specific examples.

Reference no: EM132984770

Questions Cloud

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What total amount should spruce hill company report : Deferred income taxes, $185,000 and retained earnings, $424,000. What total amount should Spruce Hill Company report as stockholders' equity?
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Identify a major issue the organization : Each year Fortune magazine publishes a "Most Admired" list of the top companies in the United States. Firms are rated on these eight dimensions: innovativeness,
What the loss contingency should be : State Inc. is a defendant in a current lawsuit that it estimates has probable loss of $225,000. What The loss contingency should be
What is the balance of the fund : The plan is expected to give 10% return on investment. What is the balance of the fund after 10 years if the annual contribution is 100,000 per year
Do think the market was surprised by the news reported : When do you think the stock market learned about Best Buy's 4th Quarter results? (Think outside the box and feel free to use resources beyond the two Best Buy)
What is the date of the financial statements : What period does "Fiscal 2012" refer to? Is this standard language and a standard definition? What is the date of the financial statements?


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