Identify a large corporation

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Reference no: EM131450776 , Length: word count : 1400

This is a team assignment.

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Identify a large corporation. We have chosen General Mills as the company.

Review the information listed on the company's website, or interview someone from the respective company to answer and discuss the following information.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word-paper including the following:

Provide an overview of the organization you have chosen.

How does this organization effectively raise awareness regarding stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination? Discuss how these strategies align with the recommendations in the readings.

MY PORTION: Discuss how these factors may serve to benefit or hinder the organizational culture.

Based on the information you have obtained about this organization, what recommendations could you provide the company to help them more effectively work with different personalities, individual differences, or gender differences in the workplace.

We have 4 people in our team. Each having my section.


Of course, cite and reference and plagiarize check.

General Mills is the company we have chosen.

Don't just use the above websites. Just giving you a couple to start with that you can look at.

Reference no: EM131450776

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