Identify a human services group you are familiar with

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133534009


For this discussion, please share your thoughts on the influence of groups on communication. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • To what extent is your identity individual and to what extent is it based on groups you belong to?
  • Consider an aspect of your identity. What impact does it have on how you communicate?
  • Identify a human services group you are familiar with. How do you think membership in that group might shape how its members communicate?


Reference no: EM133534009

Questions Cloud

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Identify a human services group you are familiar with : Identify a human services group you are familiar with. How do you think membership in that group might shape how its members communicate?
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Conduct an experiment to see if driving distracted : How would you conduct an experiment to see if driving distracted is something that someone can train themselves to be good at?


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