Identify a healthcare practice process which could improved

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Reference no: EM133639157

Assignment: Nursing- Improve Technology

Identify a healthcare practice process which could be improved by a technology integration or a technology that could be/has been incorporated as an element of your proposed student DNP Project design.

I. Gap Analysis Power Point:

1. Gap analysis is a way to lay out an issue and determine where you are currently, where you want to go, and how to get there. Many gap analyses ask the current state, what is the desired state, what gap is found, and how is that gap going to be closed. Then it is broken down to who, what, when, where, and why. Consider you are trying to improve patient compliance with diabetic monitoring. Your gap may be the lack of access to affordable equipment. Your solution may be to add a questionnaire for patients to determine if they are lacking access to equipment, medications, or food.

II. Create a power point presentation of a gap analysis to include the following elements:

1. the objective of your proposed technology integration

2. the current practice state

3. the desired future state

4. an overview of the identified gap

5. your proposed remedy.

6. Finish with a powerpoint slide that displays the entire spectrum of the gap analysis. Use one of the template resources provided or any you may locate on your own to create a visually dynamic slide.

Reference no: EM133639157

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