Reference no: EM133814588
Question: You will first need to identify a current or potential ethical dilemma in a company. This could be a company where you are now employed, a former employer, a friend's company, or another company that had an ethical dilemma that you may have read about in the news. The issue should also be something that needs to be addressed with an organizational policy inside the company, such as harassment, discrimination, embezzlement, or fraud. In other words, you believe that a policy change would be better than other courses of action (such as disciplinary action toward an individual employee, or external action by the government or a nonprofit) to remedy the issue. You do not have to create a policy at this time; you just need to explain why implementing a policy would be the right choice to address the situation or issue. Place Your Order Now!
For example, a company may choose to videotape the office and read employee emails, so what's the big deal? The conflict in this example could be that employees feel these practices are a violation of privacy and they feel entitled to a certain level of privacy. However, company owners and stakeholders defend these practices on the premise that they are ensuring employees are remaining productive and getting their work done.
Follow these steps to complete your assessment. For all of these steps, make sure you provide examples and information from credible sources to support your writing and claims:
Step 1: Analyze an ethical dilemma that needs to be addressed.
Describe the current ethical dilemma and how it affects various stakeholders.
Explain how the ethical dilemma warrants a company to take the time to address it.
Explain the implications of not addressing the ethical issue.
Step 2: Analyze the different methods for resolving the ethical dilemma.
Describe the different ethical methods that are available to be used.
Explain how these methods can be applied to resolve the ethical dilemma.
Explain the ramifications and consequences of not addressing the ethical dilemma.
Step 3: Recommend an appropriate method to address the ethical dilemma.
Explain how the organization can fix and address the dilemma.
Explain why you think your recommendations are appropriate and the right approach to addressing the specific dilemma.
Step 4: Describe how a specific ethical dilemma corresponds with larger issues on a regional, national, or global level.
Discuss how this specific dilemma could impact policies and regulations on a larger scale.
Incorporate the ramifications and consequences (discussed in Step 2) with your description of how the ethical dilemma could impact all levels.
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