Identify a current or historical social movement

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Reference no: EM132268947

Question: The Social World: Presentation

Thus far, we have considered the major themes of social psychology: social thinking, social relations, and social influence. In this interactive assignment, we will integrate knowledge from all three areas to provide a comprehensive analysis of a social movement, issue, event, or idea.

To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by reading "The Self System in Reciprocal Determinism" (Bandura, 1978) and "Social Action" (Synder & Omoto, 2007), and peruse The Stanford SPARQ Solutions Catalog. In addition, review "Ten Simple Rules for Making Good Oral Presentations" (Bourne, 2007) and "Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation" (Erren & Bourne, 2007).

Then, identify a current or historical social movement (e.g., the Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, the Reformation, etc.), issue (e.g., gay marriage, school choice, abortion, slavery, etc.), event (e.g., the 2016 Presidential election, the Rwandan genocide, the Bubonic Plague, etc.), or idea (e.g., democracy, the nuclear family, peace, etc.). Create a multimedia presentation (e.g., a video, poster, etc.) that depicts the selected topic in enough detail that classmates, even with no prior knowledge, will gain a basic understanding. (For additional guidance, review a guide for creating Presentations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., available through the Ashford Writing Center.). Your presentation should apply psychological insight from at least two of the three areas covered thus far in the course (social thinking, social relations, and/or social influence) to analyze relevant social factors. In your presentation, interpret social psychological theory and research, including the concept of reciprocal determinism in relation to this social movement, issue, event, or idea. Describe research methods used to investigate relevant phenomena and summarize actual or hypothetical applications of social psychological insight. Employ knowledge from social psychology to identify specific careers or disciplines that might be especially well suited to addressing the underlying issues in your example. Be sure to maintain an objective stance. (In other words, if you select a social issue, avoid sharing your opinion regarding the "right" or "wrong" view. Your classmates should not be able to determine your personal views based on what you post.).

You must include a both a multimedia component (e.g., link to or embedded PowerPoint, screencast, video recording, etc.) and a transcript or other written component that fully explains the audio or visual elements. Please utilize APA style to format your transcript or other written component. Upload the completed assignment (including both the multimedia component and the written component) into Waypoint. Next week, you will share your presentation with your classmates in a discussion forum.

Utilize a minimum of five credible scholarly sources to inform your thinking on the topic, in addition to required course resources as applicable. Additional credible references are encouraged.

Reference no: EM132268947

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Identify a current or historical social movement : Identify a current or historical social movement (e.g., the Tea Party, Black Lives Matter, the Reformation, etc.), issue (e.g., gay marriage, school choice).
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Different conceptions of flexible and adaptive leadership : Explain different conceptions of flexible and adaptive leadership and the reasons why such leadership is essential in today's organizations.
Encourage staff to involve themselves in whs consultation : What methods could be used to encourage staff to involve themselves in WHS consultation?


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