Identify a contemporary ethical dilemma

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Reference no: EM13853200

Ethical Dilemmas, Breaches, and Leadership Consequences

Government and nonprofit leaders encounter ethical dilemmas regularly as they perform their duties. When leaders do not address ethical dilemmas appropriately, dilemmas become ethical breaches with possible dire consequences. For instance, former President Bill Clinton encountered an ethical dilemma upon meeting intern Monica Lewinsky and considering whether or not to pursue a personal relationship with her. When he decided to pursue a personal relationship with her, he committed an ethical breach. Some ethical dilemmas and breaches may be considered more subtle. Consider a seemingly minor incident such as a mayor using a city vehicle to run a personal errand or contracting family for high-paying city jobs. Understanding the full range of potential ethical dilemmas and considering the consequences of ethical breaches are the first steps to being a strong government or nonprofit leader.

Focus on the ethical challenges facing government leaders.

Identify a contemporary ethical dilemma that you heard or read about in the news confronting either a government or nonprofit leader.

Think about the nature and severity of the ethical dilemma and why it might be considered an ethical breach.

Submit 150 - 500 word response: Due by Thursday 10/15/15 a brief description of the government or nonprofit leader and the ethical dilemma he or she is confronting. Then explain the nature and severity of the ethical dilemma and why it might be considered an ethical breach. Finally, explain the actual or potential consequences of that ethical breach to the leader.


Think about when you have faced a difficult ethical dilemma in your own life. Explain how and why you made the choice that you did. Having the benefit of hindsight, would you make the same choice today? (1 page)

Support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources. You are allowed to draw from additional sources to support your explanation, but you must cite using APA standards. All quoted material must be identified, cited, and referenced per APA standards.

Reference no: EM13853200

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