Identify 3-5 key resources and capabilities of uber

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Reference no: EM133237958

Question: Sources of Uber's Advantage in the Ridesharing Industry. Uber's ridesharing business unit, Uber Mobility, outperforms Lyft in total revenue by a large margin. Identify 3-5 key resources and capabilities of Uber that you believe have contributed to Uber Mobility's competitive advantage. Perform a VRIO analysis for each of those resources/capabilities to justify your response. Make sure you indicate which of these resources/capabilities only generate a temporary competitive advantage and which may generate a durable/sustainable competitive advantage. (Note: (1) Please refer to Chapter 3 text and lecture for how to apply the VRIO framework; (2) please specify the barriers to imitation that competitors may face if you argue that a resource is imperfectly imitable.)

Reference no: EM133237958

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