Identifies a gap in knowledge of the subject matter

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Reference no: EM13878836

Critique of DISCUSSION section.

Please to read the references before start because the assignment is should be restricted to references.1)

Does this section discuss this study?
Does this section answer the research question?
Does this section describe how this study helps solve the general problem described in the Introduction?
What conclusion(s) is (are) presented?

Does the organization support the conclusions?
Is the answer to the research question presented early in the section?
Is the strongest evidence from the study presented first?
Are the discussion points clearly related to findings in this study?
Are the presentations of new and previously reported information (including historical material) integrated skillfully?
Does the ending give a sense of completeness?

Is the information presented with perspective?
What topics are presented at the beginning and at the end of the section?
Are the most important topics discussed more than the less important ones?
Are minor points, if any, presented in the middle of the section and treated briefly?
Are any conflicting data (within this study or from this study and earlier studies) or limitations presented objectively?
Are any speculations and opinions clearly distinguished from facts?

Other comments:

2) Discussion/Conclusion

The purpose of the Discussion section is to describe the importance/impact of your study.

- In this section, the authors can deal more in their own opinions than in the other sections.
- Re-summarizes findings for the reader, perhaps with a more casual tone.
- Compares/interprets present research to previous research (consistent, inconsistent, novel, etc.)
- Comments specifically on how this research advances the field and why this new information is important.
- Limitations and Strengths. Do not underestimate how important this section is. Readers and reviewers (and people in general) are much more likely to embrace the strengths of your study if you own up to its weaknesses. This should be one of your longest Discussion sections and should include:

oSources of bias
oDesign limitations
oPower shortcomings
oLack of experimental control over variables in retrospective studies
oAnything else you can think of
- Implications and recommendations for public policy and future research.
- Recommended extensions of the present study.

This document is designed to help you with two tasks: 1) organizing the reporting of the elements from your case studies and 2) writing clearly and succinctly about statistical results. Everything covered presumes, of course, that you have correctly and responsibly analyzed the data. This guide should be consulted while writing all case reports. The elements we discuss are based on the format of a standard journal article in the public health field. However, these guidelines are neither exhaustive nor compulsory - refrain from using any of these principles that do not apply to your analysis and be sure to tailor your report to the specifics of your study. These are guidelines, not cookie cutters; please use them judiciously. In particular, please note that we do not expect your papers to have any reference to other literature on the subject matter, although this would be expected in a journal article or thesis.

The basic framework for reporting your results will include these elements:
v Title
v Introduction to the research question
v Methods
Sample and study design
v Results
v Discussion and conclusion
Summary of important findings
Limitations and strengths of the study

To give you a good idea of what we expect, at the end of each section we present an example from a student's paper that was particularly well-written. We thank this student, who prefers to remain anonymous. As a counterpoint, we occasionally present a few poor examples from other students who also graciously agreed to provide their work in the hope that it will help their peers.

Section 1: Introduction

For a journal article or thesis, the Introduction, or Background, section serves the following purposes:

• Promotes the general importance of the topic.
• Reviews previous literature related to the subject and points out shortcomings, limitations and needed extensions of those studies.
• Identifies a gap in knowledge of the subject matter.
• Motivates the present research question by justifying the need for the study (what still isn't known, needs to be clarified, or needs more evidence).
• Plainly states the intent of the present research study - its objective and what you hope to add to the knowledge base on this topic. This is generally stated in the last paragraph of the introduction. For your case study, this will be the only introduction item you need to be concerned with.

Section 2: Methods

The Methods section is used to tell the reader how a study was conducted. Think of the Methods section as revolving around four sequential items: 1) Subjects, 2) Sample and Study design, 3) Measurements, 4) Analysis.

• Inclusions and Exclusions - what do the subjects have in common? What factors make them eligible for the study? What factors would exclude them from the study?

• Setting - from what setting are the subjects drawn? Are they gathered from the same geographical location? Were they all treated by the same hospital? Give the location of subjects (geographically).

Sample and study design:

• How was the sample identified? Was it a random sample? A convenience sample? Other?
• Time frame for data collection.
• How many subjects were included in the sample? How was this number determined?
• Study design - describe in detail the design of the study, which might include a brief protocol description for how the study was conducted and a rationale as to why the selected design provides the best measurements.

Attachment:- report presentation.pdf

Reference no: EM13878836

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