Identified drawbacks or limitations to methodology

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Reference no: EM133558915

Choose a role from anthropology, human services, criminal justice, or political science. You have been working in this role in Washington, DC, at the Department of Justice (DOJ). You have recently decided to apply for another position within the DOJ, and you have been asked by the interview committee, which is comprised of potential peers and management, to explain methodologies used in research related to a topic in your field. You will demonstrate your critical thinking about research through an analysis of multiple methodologies within the same topic.

Crime Analyst.


Interview Presentation

You are analyzing research studies related to your field by discussing different types of research, their benefits and drawbacks, and why each method would be used. After choosing some of these sources earlier in the course, and after receiving professor feedback, complete the following:

1. Explain the drawbacks (potential downfalls or limitations) of using each of the three major methodologies for your identified research topic. Include the following:

An explanation of the identified drawbacks or limitations to the methodology.

An explanation of where these drawbacks or limitations might be seen in each methodology.

2. Explain each researcher's rationale for choosing their particular methodology to answer the research question. Include the following:

An explanation of the benefits of each methodology as they were applied to the research question.

An explanation of the drawbacks of each methodology as they were applied to the research question.

An explanation of why the researchers might think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Reference no: EM133558915

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