Reference no: EM132767290
CSC10215 Developing the User Experience - Southern Cross University
Game Project
For this assignment, you will work as a group with otherstudents to develop a game of your design. A range of skills will be explored, and group interaction methods and issues experienced while creating your own interactive game. You willapplyuser-centred design and evaluation processes and develop sound project management and development skills in a group project environment.
The Game: Your game needs to fit the criteria of one of three streams - either an Educational game, an Arcade game or a Strategy game. Your game design should include a themethatis suitable for a specific age group. You don't need to over-complicate the game - remember that good UX is not based on complexity. Try to keep your game achievable and be aware of the time limitations.
Users: You will need to find at least 2 people who will act as ‘your users' to help throughout the project, including the design processes and final product evaluation. Your users will be asked to give feedback on all aspects of the product - the interface design, graphics, navigation, general usability and feel of the product, i.e. their user experience. Ideally, at least one of these users will be of the age range of your target audience.
The Team:You will form a group of up to 4 students and work together todesign and develop your game. You should decide on the best methods of communication, who will be the team leader and meet at least once a week during the second half of the session. It is recommended that you identify your team and start discussions as early as possible.
Development Milestones: The task includes progressive milestones (Parts A and B) that all students will be expected to reach by the due dates. After you hand in each of your Part A and B submissions, your tutor will make sure that your design is achievable, that you are ontrack, and will give you some feedback. However, no marks will be given at that stage. Marking will not be done until after you submit your final hand-in (Part C). You should update your documentation before you resubmit it with your final submission of Part C.
Development Tools: You can choose to develop your game in one of two ways, either:
• continue to use a web-based platform, using Google Web Designer, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, with the addition of libraries such as P5; or
• use Unity to develop your game. Links to training and tutorial materials for Unity will be provided and assistance is given. However, there will be more independent learning required if you choose to develop your game using Unity. While Unity allows you to build 3D games, it is suggested that you build a 2D game, unless you have had prior experience with Unity.
Your Game Specification
Target Audience: You must specify one of the following age group options:
• Babies (up to 3 years old)
• Preschool (3 to 6 years)
• Lower Primary (6 to 9 years)
• Upper Primary (10 to 12 years)
• Early teen (13 to 15 years)
• Mid to late teen (16-19)
• Young adult (20 - 29)
• Adult (30 - 49)
• Older Adult (50 - 74)
• Elderly Adult (75+)
Regardless of the age group you choose, your gamemust not include restricted (R-rated) content.
Part A - Design Documentation
• Progressive hand-in due Sunday Week 9
• A maximum of 5000 words.
• Documentation covering the various aspects of your project.This should include:
o Concept paper including a project overview, high concept, objectives, theme, etc.
o Identification of your chosen stream and target audience.
o Functional specifications including storyboards of ALL main interface screens, flowchart(s)
o Technical specifications including pseudo-code and/or other specifications for all the programs (using appropriate formatting and structures)
• Blank user evaluation forms
Hand in:Documentation in ONE doc/docx file, named with your surname and first initial (eg: SetonC_Ass2A.doc).
Part B: Product Prototype
• Progressive hand-in due Sunday Week 11
• General user interface design
o Shows your game screen and at least one other page (e.g. help) clearly showing the user interface layout
o Elements on the screen to indicate the theme and general look and feel
o Suitable navigation structure.
• Major interaction or function - at least one major interaction functional
• Demonstrating appropriate feedback to the user - visual and/or aural.
• Completed user evaluation forms
• Blank product testing forms
Hand in:Webpage/website folder and any associated files (files that are needed for the functionality of the application), zipped(eg:
Part C: Final Product and Evaluative Report
• Due Wednesday Week 13
• Fully functioning product
o matching your design specifications
o working product and all project files
• Completed product testing forms
• Final Design Specifications/documentation and forms to be resubmitted
• Evaluative Report (max 750 words)
The Evaluative Report can be formative or summative, but should cover:
• Design issues - changes to specifications, any justification for changes, etc.
• Development issues - problems encountered, solutions tried /implemented / work-arounds utilised etc.
• Your perspective of the development experience - successes, strengths, weaknesses, etc.
Attachment:- Assignment Updated.rar