Reference no: EM133184121
For example, remember Tony Howard, the former chief executive of BP? He faced leadership and communication problems within his organization following the 2010 oil spill. BP's image and value plummeted, and the employees' motivation followed. BP needed to make external changes, and these changes needed to be accepted internally (by the employees) in order to be successful. BP and Howard would be in a lot better shape if they had consulted with us! We want to show this client we can take such an event, research its history, and apply organizational behavior concepts to recommend successful solutions. You will learn that change is very difficult to implement in an organization. "Out with the old, and in with the new" is not always welcome by the organization's staff. Many employees like the old ways and may be not embrace the change. So, the question becomes - how to get everyone on the staff to support the change.
1. Locate 3 peer reviewed journal articles that discuss organizational change and organizational change model. (Limit your change model discussion to the two change models identified in the text in Chapter 16: Lewin and Kotter).
2. Topic: Start by locating an organization that has experienced a problem or event that has a significant effect on the organization. Review news reports, newspapers or business periodicals such as National Public Radio, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week or the New York Times. You will need to use 3 references for this part.
3. a. Definition and discussion of Organizational Change.
b. Why this organization was chosen: Identification of the organization and its problems
c. Identification of Organizational Change Models.
d. Choose the best of the 2 Change Models (Lewin or Kotter) and apply it to the Organization. This is best done using a step by step approach.
e. Provide a brief (2 paragraphs) overview of a Change Management Plan to explain the monitoring and progress reporting during the implementation of this plan.