Ideas about the research

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Reference no: EM131197357


- Respond to your colleague with additional ideas about the research example they have posted, adding further insights or expanding on their recommendations for alternative ways of studying the same research question.

- Comment on the relationship between data collection, interpretation and drawing conclusions.

Attachment:- Comment.rar

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This assignment is in the form of response of 150 words. There is an appropriate reference section in the paper with clear focus over diverse responses.

Reference no: EM131197357

Questions Cloud

Find the spring constant : A block of mass 0.440 kg is hung from a vertical spring and allowed to reach equilibrium at rest. As a result the spring is stretched by 0.691 m. Find the spring constant.
Greatest surface charge density : 1) Which object has the greatest surface charge density? 2) Briefly explain your answer to the previous question.
What changes would be impractical or unworkable : Using the FBI's Uniform Crime Report (UCR), develop a table that lists the same cities from the map in figure 4.3 (pg. 95). Instead of murder rates, assemble robbery rates from the UCR. Present your results in a table or chart format.
Measurement and exposure of gamma rays : Describe the units used in measurement and exposure of gamma rays?
Ideas about the research : Respond to your colleague with additional ideas about the research example they have posted, adding further insights or expanding on their recommendations for alternative ways of studying the same research question.
Determine the average recoil force : A machine gun fires 25 g bullets with a muzzle velocity of 800 m/s.The firing rate is 200 rounds per minute. Determine the average recoil force.
Minimum constant acceleration : An aircraft has a liftoff speed of 33 m/s. What minimum constant acceleration does this require if the aircraft is to be airborne after a take-off run of 240m?
What the graph indicates about his travels on this day : The graph shown gives a salesman's distance from his home as a function of time on a certain day. Describe in words what the graph indicates about his travels on this day.
Strategy with maximal winning probability : The bet can either be on red or on blue and the amount of each bet is arbitrary. The group wins if their combined wins are strictly greater than their losses. Find, with proof, a strategy with maximal winning probability.


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