Ideal work environment

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Reference no: EM133187440

Assignment - Ideal Work Environment

Think about your work history or even places where those you know have worked. What was that work environment like in each place? What did you like at each of those places? What was not so pleasing? Now, keeping in mind those past work experiences, describe an ideal work environment for you. What are the working conditions? What about the salary or opportunities for advancement? What about the kind of work being done?

Describe a great working environment for you.

Evaluate specific policies and practices that create a cohesive organizational culture.

Discuss managerial behaviors that should be common in a great working environment.

Discuss how ethics/morality and diversity issues impact an organization.

This paper will require research beyond your experiences, specifically looking at existing policies and practices in organizations, managerial behaviors and ethics/morality, and diversity issues and their impact on organizations.

Reference no: EM133187440

Questions Cloud

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Ideal work environment : Describe a great working environment for you. Discuss managerial behaviors that should be common in a great working environment.
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Observe the negotiations : Observe the negotiations that take place around you at work. Focus on one negotiation that appears typical for your organization.
Realistic branding strategies : You are working for a health care organization that is starting new service.What are some realistic branding strategies you could use to evaluate new service?
Five forces competitive model : Every business must meet the challenges of their competitive market. This week you are going to conduct a strategic analysis, using Porter's 5 Forces Model, to


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