Idea of optimal pollution control level

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133333778


1. How practical is the idea of an optimal pollution control level? How is it possible to establish such a level in practice? Can this be done solely based on economic analysis, or do other factors have to be taken into account?

2. Suppose that your state has a problem with pollution of rivers and lakes, from both residential and industrial sources. You are asked to advise on appropriate pollution control policies. Which kinds of policies would be appropriate? How would you decide whether to recommend standards, technology-based approaches, pollution taxes, permits, or another policy? What factors (e.g., different kinds of pollution) would affect your decision?

3. Why is a freeze on emissions not an adequate policy response to a cumulative pollutant such as chlorofluorocarbons? What kinds of policies are more appropriate, and why is it often especially difficult to implement these policies?

Reference no: EM133333778

Questions Cloud

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Cost-benefit analysis : Cost-benefit analysis can be used in environmental and natural resource policy making and such an approach can be efficient


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