ICTDBS506 Design Database Assignment

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133118696

ICTDBS506 Design Database - WIN College

Question 1. What is the process for conducting data analysis? Word count of 50 words.

Question 2. Explain the different types of data types and its functions and features. Word count of 50 words.

Question 3. Explain the different types of data structures and its functions and features. Word count of 50 words.

Question 4. Explain what is a query? Word count of 70 words.

Question 5. What is a data model? Word count of 70 words.

Question 6. What are the different types of model design processes for a database? Word count of 70 words.

Question 7. What are the procedures in regards to data modelling that relate toconceptual model development. Word count of 70 words.

Question 8. What does it mean by data redundancy? Word count of 50 words.

Question 9. What is meant by data redundancy identification methodologies? Word count of50 words.

Question 10. What is a database management system (DBMS)? Word count of 70 words.

Question 11. Give 2 examples of a DBMS.

Question 12. What are the Database management system (DBMS) design phase fundamentals. Word count of 70 words.

Question 13. What is data encryption and authentication security features? Word count of 70 words.

Question 14. What does it mean by Database Scalability? Word count of 50 words.

Question 15. What is a Data Dictionary? Word count of 50 words.

Question 16. Describe what is an object model design concepts which include;

16.1. Data structures

16.2. Queries

16.3. Screen and reports

Question 17. Describe what is a logical design concepts which include;

17.1. Data structures

17.2. Queries

17.3. Screen and reports

Assessment Task 2 - Create UML and Conceptual Model

Create UML and Conceptual Model, obtain Feedback

Question 1. Conduct a user-needs analysis by determining the database functionality and the users requirements and report your findings.

Question 2. Determine the user-needs analysis for the technical requirements and report your findings.

Question 3. Develop a User Case Diagram - UML for the Library System.

Question 4. Develop a Conceptual Model for the Library system.

Question 5. Submit to required personnel to determine that conceptual model created is as per the requirement of the clients

Question 6. Make changes according to feedback.

Assessment Task 3 - Create EER Logical Model

Simulated Workplace Case Study -Library System

Consider the following description for a Library Information System:

A library needs to keep records of current loans of copies of books to borrowers and reservations for book titles.

Each borrower is identified by a BORROWER# and each copy of a book title in the library is identified by an ACCESS# as the library may have more than one copy of a given book title.

The NAME and ADDRESS of each borrower is held so that communications such as overdue loan reminders can be sent when necessary.

The information required about book titles is TITLE, AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS, PUBLICATION DATE, and ISBN.

For individual copies of a book title the PURCHASE PRICE and CURRENT PRICE are required, where purchase price is the price the library paid at the time of purchase and current price is the current listed price charged to borrowers who lose books. ISBN is an internationally used identifier for a book title.

A borrower may have any number of books out on loan at any one time, but a book may be borrowed by only one borrower at a time.

The DUE DATE for each loan is recorded so that overdue notices can be sent out. Book titles out on loan may be reserved by other borrowers pending their return.

Borrowers may make a reservation for only one book title at a time. Reservations for a book title are processed in order of the date the reservation was made as copies are returned.

You can use a MySQL Database - MAMP (which is universal for Apple and PC) as well as use Workbench to create a EER diagram.

Task - Create EER Logical Model

1. Identify and report on attributes and determine data types that are required for your database ensuring that you undertake normalisation of the attributes.

2. Develop an EER/Logical Model Design using Workbench for the Library system and clarify cardinality of relationships. Workbench can be used to create the physical model.

3. Document your attributes, normalised data and EER diagram

4. Submit to your Trainer to seek feedback and obtain approval. Make changes according to feedback - if required.

5. Confirm primary and foreign keys according to database/technical requirements analysis from A2.

6. Identify referential integrity constraints and organisational business rules.

7. Establish database management system constraints and incorporate into database design using Workbench software.

8. Design and develop data validation rules, indexes.

9. Document database design according to organisational policies and procedures.

10. Design database according to organisational requirements - this will be created from within Workbench from the ERD model created in this assessment.

11. Forward Engineer the Model in Workbench into .sql file to backup Database. Save to your computer.

12. Import your database into MAMP.

13. Incorporate data into your database e.g., user information and other information from your findings in A2.

14. Download the data Dictionary and submit with this assessment task.


What you have to Submit/Upload;

Task 1

1. Report on the attributes and the data types and normalisation of attributes that are required for your database - This Assessment Task

Task 2

2. Create your EER Logical Data Model
3. Obtain Feedback for ERD Diagram from Trainer and make changes according to feedback comments.
4. Identify Referential Integrity restraints and business rules - This Assessment Task.
5. Data Dictionary

Task 3

6. Answers to these all the questions uploaded to A3 in Moodle/Learn under A3 Assessment Submission

Attachment:- Design a Database.rar

Reference no: EM133118696

Questions Cloud

Different types of model design processes : Explain the different types of data types and its functions and features and different types of model design processes for a database
How much will you have in the account : Your bank account pays a nominal interest rate of 8%, compounded quarterly. You deposit $500 in the account today, and deposit $1,000 in the account at the end
Show the effect on the basic accounting equation : Squirrely Inc buys equipment for $210,000 and pays for one third in cash and other two thirds is financed by a note payable, Show effect on accounting equation
Company proceed with the replacement : Using the NPV and IRR criteria, should the company proceed with the replacement?
ICTDBS506 Design Database Assignment : ICTDBS506 Design Database Assignment Help and Solution, WIN College - Assessment Writing Service
What is the project npv : Down Under Boomerang, Inc.. is considering a new 3-year expansion project that requires an initial fixed asset investment of $2.18 million.
Key component of overall business strategy : It is important for hospital administrators to regard outpatient care as a key component of their overall business strategy.
Expected recovery of net working capital : At the end of the project, what would be the expected recovery of net working capital?
Contemplating issuing debt : Jason's company is currently financed with 100% Equity with a required return of 15% and contemplating issuing debt and buying back equity to change the capital


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