ICT303 Big Data Assignment

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133159285

ICT303 Big Data - Crown Institute of Higher Education

Assessment - Using MapReduce for processing big data

Purpose 1: Design appropriate repository structure for storing big data.
Purpose 2: Design big data solutions using Map-reduce techniques.


The following file is from Movielens dataset which shows user ratings for movies:

You can find more about this dataset here

u.data is the full u data set with 100000 ratings by 943 users on 1682 items. Each user has rated at least 20 movies. Users and items are numbered consecutively from 1. The data is randomly ordered. This is a tab separated list of user id | item id | rating | timestamp. The time stamps are unix seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC. For example, the following line of the file

95 546 2 879196566

Is interpreted as follows: User 95 has rated movie 546, 2/5 (rates are in the range 1-5) at time 879196566 (Monday, November 10, 1997 9:16:06 PM, GMT).

Your task is to use MapReduce programming and find the following information for each movie: the average rating and the number of users who rated this movie. Here is an example of the output:

Movie ID

Average Rating

Number of Users Rated







You can choose the output format. However, the required information must be included in the output.

Hint: You can change the WordCount program such that it ignores all tokens in a line except the third one (rating value in the file exists in the third column).

The program must also print the name of group members on the screen.


You need to submit an MS Word or a PDF file which includes the following items:
- The source code for map and reduce function (copied/pasted into the MS Word or PDF file; no separate file is needed).
- Enough screenshots on the steps taken to get the program running.
- Screenshots for the output generated by the program. The name of group members must be also part of the printed information. Annotate all screenshots with brief descriptions (one line or two is enough).
- A section for discussion on your experience with MapReduce programming. To solve the given problem, what other tools and techniques are available? Compare MapReduce programming with the tools and techniques you mentioned. You can mention several factors like simplicity, scalability, reliability, etc.

This section must be less than 500 words

Attachment:- Processing big data.rar

Reference no: EM133159285

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ICT303 Big Data Assignment : ICT303 Big Data Assignment Help and Solution, Crown Institute of Higher Education - Assessment Writing Service
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