ICT105 Data Modelling and Database Systems Assignment

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Reference no: EM133125321

ICT105 Data Modelling and Database Systems - Sydney International School of Technology & Commerce

Assessment - Database Design

The purpose of this assignment is to develop the student's skills in designing a relational database for a given case study.

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the fundamental concepts of relational databases, describe the different models of database management system.

Learning Outcome 2: Design a relational database for a provided scenario utilizing tools and techniques including ER diagrams, relation models and normalization.

Learning Outcome 3: Interpret entity relationship diagrams to implement database.

Assessment Details


You have been appointed to create database for Toy community store. Toy community is an online store and has two types of inventories, toys and books. They would like database to manage their inventory, manufacturers, wholesalers, customer, and sales.

Some of the reports that Toy community store would like to run from your database design include a list of customers by city and a list of inventories by price or another category. They would also like to apply discounts to items by inventory type and apply discounts to VIP customers and to bulk orders. No normalisation has been undertaken on these entities, so there may be many to many relationships that are not resolved. Your submission should have all many to many relationships resolved. You may add entities or attributes as you see fit.

The minimum entities you are expected to have been listed below:

• Each inventory record will have a unique inventory ID, a title, a type (toys or books), retail price, number in stock, year, item code
• Suppliers will have their supplier ID, name, address, city, state, contact, product, TypeofGoods, paymentmethods
• Customers will have their customer ID, Name, Address, city, phone, email, Password, creditcard, billingaddress, shippingaddress, dateentered
• Wholesalers will have their name, address, contact, phone number, fax number, email address
• Orders will have orderID, customerID, paymentDate, orderDate, ShipDate, ShipperID


Assignment should be presented in a report format including the following sections

1. Design your ER Diagram with all the entity names, attribute names, primary and foreign keys, relationships, cardinality, and participation indicated. You can add entities or attributes as you see fit. All many to many relationships must be resolved.

2. A discussion on normalization, the normal form that each entity is in, how normalization was achieved and why that is optimal.

3. A list of relationships with all table names, attributes, primary and foreign keys indicated as per the conventions given in the webinar slides (i.e., entity/table names in capitals, attributes as proper nouns, primary key underlined and foreign keys in italics).

4. A database schema indicating the type and purpose of all attributes.

A suggested structure for the report is given below: Titlepage

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. ER Diagram

Chapter 3. Relational Schema

Chapter 4. Normalization

Chapter 5. Conclusion


Assessment - Technical User Support

Question 1: Mrs Smith bought a laptop for her son for online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. After two months of use, the audio facilities of the laptop malfunctioned. Mrs Smith visited the support department for the laptop company. Paul, a senior support help desk agent attended to Mrs Smith's query. Since Paul, has dealt with several similar problems, he told Mrs Smith that there is no need to continue explaining since he knows the problem with Mrs Smith's laptop. He instructed Mrs Smith to go home and update the laptop using the latest drivers from the internet. Mrs Smith didn't want that solution because she didn't know how to update computer drivers. While Mrs Smith was talking, Paul was typing the incident. Mrs Smith got upset with the customer service she received. She shouted and demanded to be served by the manager.

(i) If you were Paul, describe the steps and give examples of the actions and activities you could have taken to ensure that your communication with Mrs Smith becomes effective?

(ii) Identify and explain three barriers to effective communication that have been demonstrated by Paul in this case.

(iii) Describe in detail, the steps you would have taken to calm Mrs Smith down when she was shouting.

Question 2: With the aid of diagrams, discuss sequential and iterative problem-solving approaches.

ICT101 Introduction to Internet and Web Development

Assessment - Individual project work


In this assessment, you will first read and understand a case study on the development of a website that serves as a marketplace for second-hand products. In this assessment, you will focus on frontend development. In particular, you will be addressing the architecture design of the website and developing a prototype for the website in the case study. Then, you will demonstrate your HTML and CSS programming skills and apply them in this close-to-real-life web development project.

Learning Outcome 1: develop simple web pages using and demonstrating basic aspects of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript;

Learning Outcome 2: design effective and user-friendly simple web pages, embracing usability principles and adhering to style guides;

Assessment Tasks

Task 1:
Draw a website prototype for the website in the case study. You must NOT use HTML/CSS/JavaScript to build a website in task 1. You must draw the prototype on sheets of paper. The website prototype should comprehensively include functional requirements described in the case study. The prototype should include as three webpages to depict the view of suppliers, consumers, and website administrators. You are encouraged to use the various techniques to design your website as introduced in week 1. You may also use other techniques that you may think appropriate.

Task 2:
You are now to develop a comprehensive frontend for the website in the case study using HTML5 and CSS3. The frontend must comprehensively include all the functional requirements described in the case study and your prototype in task 1. There is NO minimum HTML page requirement nor maximum HMTL page requirement. Please note that we don't expect you to develop a real and complete website for the case study. However, you should try your best to utilise the web development skills that you learned in this subject for this project. Specifically, you will be evaluated in the below areas. Please read the marking rubric for further information.
• Overall webpage layout and styling
• Completeness and relevance
• Web form design
• Coding convention and quality of code

Attachment:- Data Modelling and Database Systems.rar

Reference no: EM133125321

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ICT105 Data Modelling and Database Systems Assignment : ICT105 Data Modelling and Database Systems Assignment Help and Solution, Sydney International School of Technology & Commerce - Assessment Writing Service
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