ICT104 Program Design and Development Programming Assignment

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132428543

ICT104 - Program Design and Development Programming - Kings Own Institute

Programming Assignment

Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate their understanding of Java programming and object-oriented concepts, the use of list classes in collection framework, and the use of graphical features using swing and applets. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcomes c and d.

Topic: Develop Java application based on the given scenario: individual assignment

Assignment Details:

The context for this assignment (Part 1 and Part 2) is a 'Beer Bottles Game Development' for calculating and displaying a LOSER. This assignment will test a student's knowledge of and skills in writing application software for a task, understanding the business rules of a particular problem, coding these in a computer program, developing a graphical user interface.

For this assignment, students will use the Java programming language and development will be on the NetBeans IDE platform.

This assignment consists of 2 stages,
- Part 1: A simple console program (no GUI)
- Part 2: The same but wrapped in a GUI

Beer Bottles Game Development

Design and implement a game, making use of Artificially Intelligent algorithm, so that if user is playing first, then the Computer would pick up the bottles intelligently each time, and the Computer would always Win. The Computer would never Lose.

Part 1: Design a Java application, which would display below (Attached) message at the start of the game.
There are 21 beer bottles...
Computer and yourself, there are 2 players
At a time, each one can pick up any number of bottles between 1 and 4 (inclusive)
Will you like to play first?

If the User types ‘Yes' and presses ‘Enter' key, the next lines of output would be

Will you like to play first? Yes
How many you would like to pick up?

If you pick up 3 bottles initially and press ‘Enter' to observe how many the Computer picks now, then as per your intelligent algorithm, the Computer needs to pick up any number of bottles between 1 and 4 (inclusive), so that at the end, the Computer would WIN. The next set of output would be.
How many you would like to pick up? 3
Computer has picked 2
The bottles remaining are: 16
How many you would like to pick up?

The User must be able to continue the game with Computer, and at every step the remaining bottles need to be displayed appropriately. The number of remaining bottles would get decreased at each step.
How many you would like to pick up? 2
Computer has picked 3
The bottles remaining are: 11
How many you would like to pick up? 3

Computer has picked 2
The bottles remaining are: 6
How many you would like to pick up? 4
Computer has picked 1

As per this artificially intelligent program, the Computer should always Win and Never Lose. If User will have to pick up the last beer bottle, then User is Loser and would have to pay the bill.

Computer has picked 1
The bottles remaining are: 1
You will have to pick up the last.you are loser

Part 2: Design a UI using Java Swing components, which would look like below (Attached).

If you pick up 3 bottles initially and click the button "Pick" to observe how many the Computer picks now, then as per your intelligent algorithm, the Computer needs to pick up any number of bottles between 1 and 4 (inclusive), so that at the end, the Computer would WIN. The UI would be as below (Attached).

The User must be able to continue the game with Computer, and at every step the remaining bottles need to be displayed appropriately. The number of remaining bottles would get decreased at each step.

As per this artificially intelligent program, the Computer should always Win and Never Lose. If User will have to pick up the last beer bottle, then User is Loser and would have to pay the bill.

Attachment:- Program Design and Development.rar

Reference no: EM132428543

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ICT104 Program Design and Development Programming Assignment : ICT104 Program Design and Development Programming Assignment Help and Solution, Kings Own Institute - Assessment Writing Service
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