I had to call a webservice

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13164891

I had to call a webservice (1st line of code) and then from there created a loop but keep getting an error every time on the .getBusiness - I don't know what I should be using there instead of getBusiness. From the web I should get a list of businesses in my local area. Any suggestions?

YelpSearchResult searchByLocationCategory = searchByLocationCategory(inputCity, MyOps2);

for (int i = 0; i < result.getBusinesses.size(); i++) {

System.out.println("Name \t :" + result.getBusinesses().getName.get(i).getName());

System.out.println("Phone \t :" + result.getBusinesses().get(i).getPhone());

System.out.println ("Address \t :" + result.getBusinesses().get(i).getAddress());

System.out.println ("Latitude/Longitude \t :" + result.getBusinesses().get(i).getLatitude());

System.out.println ("URL \t :" + result.getBusinesses().get(i).getURL());

System.out.prinln ("Comments \t :" + result.getBusinesses().get(i).getComments()); }

Reference no: EM13164891

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