Hypothesis testing-before and after

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM13110526

1. The amount of income spent on housing is an important component of the cost of living. The total costs of housing for homeowners might include mortgage payments, property taxes, and utility costs (water, heat, electricity). An economist selected a sample of 20 homeowners in New England and then calculated these total housing costs as a percent of monthly income, five years ago and now. The information is reported below. Is it reasonable to conclude the percent is less now than five years ago?

Homeowner Five Years Ago Now Homeowner Five Years Ago Now

1 17% 10% 11 35% 32%

2 20 39 12 16 32

3 29 37 13 23 21

4 43 27 14 33 12

5 36 12 15 44 40

6 43 41 16 44 42

7 45 24 17 28 22

8 19 26 18 29 19

9 49 28 19 39 35

10 49 26 20 22 12

Reference no: EM13110526

Questions Cloud

Set up a cross to test : A loss-of-function recessive mutation in gene brown (bw) makes the normal red eye color brown. This gene resides on the second chromosome.
Question regarding testing hypothesis : A new process for producing synthetic diamonds can be operated at a profitable level only if the average weight of the diamonds produced by the process is greater than 0.5 karat.
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Describe the permeability properties of the axon membrane : Describe the permeability properties of the axon membrane when the nerve is at rest and the permeability properties during the production of an action potential.
Hypothesis testing-before and after : The amount of income spent on housing is an important component of the cost of living. The total costs of housing for homeowners might include mortgage payments, property taxes, and utility costs (water, heat, electricity).
Estimate average amount of money country spends on road : Researcher wants to estimate in $300 true average amount of money country spends on road repairs each year. If she wishes to be 90% confident, how large sample is essential?
Null hypothesis and one-tailed-two-tailed test : A researcher is looking at the relationship between home-schooling and achievement. She is hypothesizing that the home-schooled children will score higher than non home-schooled children on a standardized achievement test.
One tailed and two tailed alternative : For each of the following hypotheses, decide whether a one-tailed or two-tailed test would be performed: Children with birth defects will score differently than the normal population on a measure of self-esteem.
Figure out how to determine gene order : You find two mutations that cause blue wings (b blue is recessive to b+ normal) and spiny bristles (W wiry is dominant to W+ normal). They are linked to this chromosome (pictured). Based on test cross data, complete the map to include these genes.


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