Hypothesis test and measure of effect size

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM1379141

The following data summarize the results from an independent-measures study comparing three treatment conditions.

 I                 II             III

= 6       = 6       n = 6

=1      = 5      M = 6          N = 18

= 6      = 30      T = 36        G = 72

SS = 30    SS =35    SS = 40   ?X2(x square) = 477

a. Use an ANOVA with  α = .05 to determine whether there are any significant differences among the three treatment means.

b. Calculate ?2 (? square) to measure the effect size for this study.

c. Write a sentence demonstrating how a research report would present the results of the hypothesis test and the measure of effect size.

Reference no: EM1379141

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