Hyperloop network operations

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132520728

ICT112 Creative Problem Solving with Programming - University of the Sunshine Coast

Hyperloop network operations


Read the case study on Hyperloop, a new method of transportation that is expected to revolutionise travelling between cities. Have you heard about the Thrust Supersonic Car or Bloodhound LSR? Search on google how fast they can travel!

In this assignment, you must develop a route estimator application that meets the following requirements. Before you start, prepare the data (input) required for this application.

Data preparation: Enter the names of ten popular cities in the World and the distance between these cities in Kilometers. You can refer to the hyperloop one website to get this information. The maximum speed in Kilometer per hour for each mode of transportation (i.e. Car, Rail, High-speed rail, Air and Hyperloop) can be found in the website above.For example, the maximum speed of a car is given as 112km/hr. Store this data in a file of your choice and name it - "REA". Your data file must not have any information on time calculation as your program must calculate it.

Question 1: A user must be able to enter an origin and destination city from a minimum of ten cities which are displayed to the user.You must use python data collections to store city names. The user must be able to modify the selection of cities (use control flow of imperative programming) before confirming a route. A route confirmation is accepted when a user enters "Y" or "y" in the application.

Question 2: Upon confirming a route, the route estimator application must output the different modes of transportation, distanceand time required by each mode of transportation between the two selected cities. The program must calculate the time in hours/minutesformat and should be displayed in an editor. The route estimator application must display a message and exit if the user enters "NA" or "na" as city names.

Question 3. Choose the route estimator to calculate the time required to travel between ten cities and write the output into a file. The file should contain city names (i.e. ten city names), distance, modes of transportation and the time taken to travel between these cities. The route estimator must also recommend a mode of transportation that takes the least amount of time to travel between cities.

Question 4. Write a single pseudo code for the route estimator application based on the requirements - Question 1, Question 2 and Question 3. You can include relevant assumptions.

Question 5. Discuss the rationale (in 200 words) for the application design (decomposition into functions/modules).

Question 6. Discuss how you tested your system (in 200 words) with an example taken from the route estimator application.

Question 7. Include documentation (docstring) and use the appropriate coding style(Refer ICT112_Coding_Style document) in your program.

Question 8. Read the data stored in the file "REA" and use the Turtle module in Python to draw a horizontal bar chart for travelling between two cities (An example is provided here). The chart should contain a title, modes of transportation and the time required to cover the distance in hours/minutes format.The route estimator must recommend a mode of transportation that takes the least amount of time to travel between cities.

Question 9. Read the data stored in the file "REA" and use the Matplotlib library to draw a horizontal bar chart for travelling between two cities. The chart should contain a title, modes of transportation and the time required to cover the distance in hours/minutes format. The route estimator must recommend a mode of transportation that takes the least amount of time to travel between cities.

Question 10. Read the data stored in the file "REA" and use the Pandas library to draw a horizontal bar chart for travelling between two cities. The chart should contain a title, modes of transportation and the time required to cover the distance in hours/minutes format.The route estimator must recommend a mode of transportation that takes the least amount of time to travel between cities.

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Attachment:- Hyperloop network operations.zip

Reference no: EM132520728

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5/20/2020 4:06:01 AM

I did some questions so you can check it if it is a right answer, you don't need to do that The first file is a guideline The second and third files are what I did on some questions in the assignment This one needs APA referencing in text and in the reference list

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