Hybrid scheme to overcome drawbacks

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Reference no: EM132129766

Suppose a firm uses sales teams to market their products. For example, a construction equipment manufacturer may assign three sales agents to a team so each team member can specialize in particular product functions (e.g., mechanical systems, electronic systems, and software systems). What are the potential drawbacks of hybrid pay for firms that employ sales teams? What are the drawbacks of hybrid pay for the members of the sales teams? Can we alter the hybrid scheme to overcome these drawbacks?

Reference no: EM132129766

Questions Cloud

What is the average daily demand : The average daily demand of a bottle of paint thinner at a hardware store has a standard deviation of 5 units. what is the average daily demand?
Contrast them in terms of their potential effectiveness : Please select two of these research techniques and compare and contrast them in terms of their potential effectiveness for helping you in your organization
What is a customer centric business strategy : What is Molto Delizioso's business-level strategy? Note that Five business-level strategies are discussed in chapter 5. What is a customer centric business.
Containers to use for incoming parts for kanban system : A manager wants to determine the number of containers to use for incoming parts for a kanban system to be installed next month.
Hybrid scheme to overcome drawbacks : What are the drawbacks of hybrid pay for the members of the sales teams? Can we alter the hybrid scheme to overcome these drawbacks?
Social responsibilities surrounding the sales of alcohol : What are the ways that IT can help comply with legal requirements and social responsibilities surrounding the sales of alcohol?
Response the functions of business : Consider in the response the functions of business, entrepreneurship and production concerns. Be sure to define these areas and how they fit the company.
Constitute national origin discrimination : Which of the following may constitute national origin discrimination?
How trade between the two countries benefits each : Set up a Ricardo-type comparative advantage numerical example with two countries and two goods. Distinguish "absolute advantage" from "comparative advantage".


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