Hybrid pay for the members of the sales teams

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132248229

Suppose a firm uses sales teams to market their products. For example, a construction equipment manufacturer may assign three sales agents to a team so each team member can specialize in particular product functions (e.g., mechanical systems, electronic systems, and software systems). What are the potential drawbacks of hybrid pay for firms that employ sales teams? What are the drawbacks of hybrid pay for the members of the sales teams? Can we alter the hybrid scheme to overcome these drawbacks?

Reference no: EM132248229

Questions Cloud

Opportunity to analyze situations surrounding sale of goods : In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to analyze situations surrounding the sale of goods.
Briefly describe why you feel they are a competitor : Describe at least 3 companies you see as your main competitors and your plans to respond to their market presence.
New players with new ways of competing and doing business : Companies are buying one another, merging, and going out of business only to be replaced by new players with new ways of competing and doing business.
Why a leader can encounter difficulty in newly formed teams : What is the leadership paradox? Give some reasons why a leader can encounter difficulty in newly formed teams or groups using a participative management system.
Hybrid pay for the members of the sales teams : What are the drawbacks of hybrid pay for the members of the sales teams? Can we alter the hybrid scheme to overcome these drawbacks?
Social responsibilities surrounding the sales of alcohol : What are the ways that IT can help comply with legal requirements and social responsibilities surrounding the sales of alcohol?
Describe the fields of the dataset : Describe the fields of the dataset. Create a summary of stats for the dataset. Discuss the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the continuous fields.
Explain how the company newman own brand fulfills : Explain how the company Newman's Own brand fulfills the definition of a business for profit and a non-profit business at the same time.
Recommendations for improvement det diversity policy : Anyone can hep to make recommendations for improvement DET Diversity Policy


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