Reference no: EM13525391
True or False
1. The model of determinism can be put this way: To say that every event has its cause is to say that if certain antecedent conditions are satisfied, then we can predict that such and such will occur.
2. It is possible to have free will but not freedom.
3. According to Berkeley, if all the people, animals, and anything capable of perception on Earth were to suddenly die, leaving no one left to perceive the rocks, mountains, and streams, the the Earth and everything on it would snap out of existence.
4. Husserl is an example of an extreme relativist.
5. Both Husserl and Kant use the word transcendental to mean the basic and only rules by which we constitute the world.
6. Hermeneutics may be employed to appreciate cross-cultural and intracultural complexities.
7. Reality and truth are considered external to ourselves according, to Kant.
Kants second formulation of the categorical imperative
: Explain Kant's SECOND formulation of the Categorical Imperative
Rawls basic idea is that the correct principles of justice
: Rawls basic idea is that the correct principles of justice, are what free and rational people, concerned to further their own interest, would agree as defining the fundamental of their association , if their agreement were amde under conditions that ..
Discuss when greed and selfishness in businesses
: Pretend you are either Adam Smith or Karl Marx, and explain economic recession from these perspectives. Discuss when greed and selfishness in businesses go too far and become a hazard to society.
Explain economic recession from these perspectives
: Pretend you are either Adam Smith or Karl Marx, and explain economic recession from these perspectives. Discuss when greed and selfishness in businesses go too far and become a hazard to society.
Husserl is an example of an extreme relativist
: The model of determinism can be put this way: To say that every event has its cause is to say that if certain antecedent conditions are satisfied, then we can predict that such and such will occur. Husserl is an example of an extreme relativist.
Compute the total time the bullet is in contact with board
: A bullet is fired through a board 9.0 cm thick in such a way that the bullet's line of motion is perpendicular to the face of the board. Find the total time the bullet is in contact with the board
How are fatalism-hard determinism-predestination different
: How are fatalism, hard determinism, and predestination different? Common street lingo may use these terms synonymously; however, there are important distinctions for the philosopher. What are they?
Estimate with what minimum average speed must he move
: Suppose that you loft the ball with an initial speed of v = 16.2 m/s, at an angle of ? = 49.4° above the horizontal. With what minimum average speed must he move
Explain the concept of predestination
: Explain the concept of predestination. What is the Islamic conception of predestination> Contrast this view to the Western religious view.