Hunger games have in common with shirley jackson story

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Reference no: EM133421027


- An object that reflects society's adherence to tradition or custom. Choose something for which there are consequences for not going along with society's expectations. For example, shamrocks and wearing are a custom for St. Patrick's Day, but there's no penalty for not going to a pub that day to drink green beer, and nothing really to lose by not meeting this expectation.

- A few prepared talking points about your object and its meaning/how it relates to the theme of our reading including:

Do you think "The Hunger Games" is a good title for the games? Why or why not?

What does The Hunger Games have in common with Shirley Jackson's story, The Lottery? In what ways are they different?

What kinds of traditions, practices, laws, etc. might The Hunger Games represent in real life?


Reference no: EM133421027

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