Reference no: EM133034936
CYBERSECURITY -Mitigation Plan for Threat Report
Reflecting on your initial report the organisation has decided to continue to employ you for the next phase: risk analysis and development of the mitigation plan.
The organisation has become aware that the Australia Government (AG) has developed strict privacy requirements for business. The company wishes you to produce a brief summary of these based on real- world Australian government requirements (similar to how you used real-world information in first assessment for the real-world attack).
These include the Australian Privacy Policies (APPs) especially the requirements on notifiable data breaches.
The PEP (company: Peters Excellent Packers) wants you to examine these requirements and advise them on their legal requirements.
Also ensure that your threat list includes attacks on customer data breaches. The company wishes to know if the GDPR applies to them.
This assessment is the continuation the first assessment. You will start with the threat list from the first assessment. Please use the following 3 threats:(Please link thesethreats with privacy concerns)* can change slighted change the treat too.
1.Theft may occur in many cases which process for equipment devices of information. The most frequent information stolen are Banking information, website credentials, and passwords for specific online resources that are part of the company business models.
2.Data breach occurrences have some human threats and errors of privacy of data. It usually happens when an intruder is able to get past security measures.
3.Breaking network protection, without protection users, can intercept sensitive information or access to different devices
*You may need to include threats related to privacy concerns. Beginning with the threat list:
-You need to align threats/vulnerabilities, as much as possible, withcontrols.
-Perform a risk analysis and determine controls to beemployed.
-Combine the controls into a project ofmitigation.
-Give advice on the need for ongoing cybersecurity, after your main mitigationsteps.
Attachment:- Mitigation Plan for Threat Report.rar