Human sexuality involves erotic attractions identity

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Reference no: EM133528511


1. Historians of sexuality have argues that the dominant meaning and practice of sexuality have changed from their primary association with reproduction within families in the colonial period to the current association with relationships of emotional intimacy and physical pleasure for individuals.



2. Courtship is not an old-fashion word - is not a period when individuals are attracted to each other, develop intimacy, enjoy each other's company, and identify as a couple.



3. Human sexuality involves erotic attractions identity, practices, and is constructed by and through societal sexual scripts.



4. The sexual revolution did not make women's sexual behavior more like men.



5. There are politics in sexual relationships because they occur in the context of a society that assigns power embedded to gender and other systems of inequality and privilege.



6. Hooking up does not refer to sexual behavior which includes no commitment to another person.



7. Menstruation marks a time when a girl "becomes a woman" - the capacity to bear children as the sole definition of womanhood.



8. Central is understanding masculine sexual scripts and issues around emotional intimacy is not the mandate against homosexuality.



9. The key aspect of intimacy and sexuality is not interpersonal communication.



10. Sexuality and power are linked through the intersections of race, class, and gender oppression.



Reference no: EM133528511

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