Human resources and trainer competencies

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133466165


Investigate the similarities and differences between Human Resources and Trainer competencies as described in the textbook. Why do training professionals identify KSA deficiencies and why do HR professionals use the term competencies? Give an example that illustrates your understanding of KSA deficiencies and competencies.

Reference no: EM133466165

Questions Cloud

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Healthcare system lacks sufficient number of primary care : The current United States healthcare system lacks a sufficient number of primary care physicians,
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What is the optimal level of pollution : What is the optimal level of pollution? What is the appropriate Pigovian fee required to produce the optimal level of pollution?
Human resources and trainer competencies : Investigate the similarities and differences between Human Resources and Trainer competencies as described in the textbook.
Examining the eye for defects and faults : The ophthalmologists' sole concern was that, if the Bill became law, "more people will be harmed through inappropriate use of drugs."
Significance of conducting research in field of business : What are the key benefits and significance of conducting research in the field of business?
What specific socio-political mechanisms : In the film, what specific socio-political mechanisms does institutional power in colonial New Spain use to: Maintain itself?
Explains Neuroticism : Explains Neuroticism ? Under which conditions do you think authoritarian style would be more effective and least effective?


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