Human performance technology evaluate the following

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Reference no: EM13598307

Evaluate the following evaluation plan. Define the elements that are present. Describe those that are missing and propose evaluation techniques that would fill those gaps. <br/> <br/>Qwerty Ltd (QL) designs and builds custom keyboards from scrap computer parts. They resell the keyboard to industries that need non-standard keyboards for specific applications such as manufacturing floors, , mining operations, and even NASA. In order to streamline their order-to-design process, they want sales reps to capture requirements during sales calls. One of your peers has asked you to review their evaluation plan (below): Comment on the strengths and missed opportunities. <br/> <br/>•Determine whether sales reps have the right skills for capturing requirements <br/>•Define work processes and tools that sales reps will need for new work <br/>•Design the training (if any) <br/>•Pilot test the training with local sales reps only <br/>•Track participant satisfaction with training <br/>•Track whether or not sales reps submit requirements during or just after sales calls <br/>•Determine whether or not production is satisfied with requirements submitted by sales reps <br/>

Reference no: EM13598307

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