Huffman would like to understand organization culture

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Reference no: EM133366046

Huffman Trucking Company has a mission to be an employer of choice for candidates searching for employment. Over the past few years, it has experienced increased attrition, and employee morale seems to have decreased. Huffman would like to understand the organization's culture and how that has contributed to the organizational issues.

Concepts should incorporate the following:

Job satisfaction

Employee motivation

Employee engagement

Team effectiveness

Overall organizational culture

Examples of questions below:

What is the compensation structure? (How are employees compensated? (i.e., hourly, salary)?

Do employees receive financial incentives, such as bonuses, beyond pay?

How do employees earn bonuses?

Is there flexibility regarding hours worked?

Can employees work remotely?

Do employees work in offices, cubicles, or rotating desks?

Are there lots of conference rooms or areas where employees can collaborate?

How does the company use social media? How do employees use social media?

Describe the official leaders of the organization. How do they lead?

Are there unofficial leaders in the organization or individual departments?

Reference no: EM133366046

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