Huffman coding for compression

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Reference no: EM13306531


In the last episode of the Mafghanistan trilogy, the Mamerican forces invaded liberated Mafghanistan in pursuit of mineral freedom. However, terrorist attacks spread across Mafghanistan like the oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon. You, as the Commanding General of the Mamerican forces and their Mafghan puppets allies, just discovered the book, which describes efficient algorithms for terminating insurgents, that would ensure victory in Mafghanistan. You wish to send this book to all the troops via the Internet ASAP. However, due to the astronomical deficit of the Mamerican government, you wish to compress the book to reduce your ISP charges.

Use Huffman coding for compression/decompression.

The input to compression is a sequence of 8-bit characters.

When computing the Huffman tree, do not compute the code for any character that does not exist in the input. Do not insert these characters into the min-heap.

To ensure consistent behavior between your program and mine, during the delete operation on the min-heap, you need to determine the priority of the subtrees that have the same weight. Let S and T be two subtrees. S has a higher priority than T if and only if:

S's weight is smaller than T's weight, or

S and T have the same weight, and the smallest character (in ASCII value) in any of S's leaf nodes is smaller than that in any of T's leaf nodes.

Under this definition, the delete operation should remove the subtree with the highest priority from the min-heap. Also when merging two subtrees, set the tree with the lower priority as the left subtree (whose code is 0), and the tree with the higher priority as the right subtree (whose code is 1).

You may NOT use STL classes except the string class.

Command line: Your program accepts an optional command line argument "-d":

When this argument is absent, compress the input and writes the compressed data to the output.

When this argument is present, decompress the input and writes the decompressed data to the output.

Read input from cin and write output to cout.

Uncompressed data: The uncompressed data contains a sequence of 8-bit characters. The input contains at most 232-1 characters.

Compressed data: The compressed data contains three sections:

Magic cookie. This section contains 8 characters: the string "HUFFMA5" followed by the ASCII 0 character ('\0').

Frequencies. This section contains the frequencies of all the characters from ASCII 0 to ASCII 255, even if a characer is absent from the uncompressed data. The frequency of a character is its count in the uncompressed data. Order the frequencies by the ASCII values of their corresponding characters. Write each frequency as a 4-byte unsigned integer in the little-endian form.

Compressed data. This section contains the codes of all the characters in the same order as they appear in the uncompressed data. Since this section contains a sequence of bits but the smallest unit of data is a byte in files, you need to convert bits into bytes by the following rules:

Starting from the beginning of the bit sequence, convert each sequence of 8 consecutive bits into 1 byte. If the number of bits is not a multiple of 8, pad the end of the bit sequence with 0s.

When converting 8 bits into 1 byte, let the first bit be the least significant bit (LSB) in the byte, the second bit be the second LSB, and so on.

We will test the decompression function of your program with only valid compressed data, so your program need not handle errors in the compressed data.

Reference no: EM13306531

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