Html coding

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13759129

Write a two- to four-page paper describing how you would change or enhance your site if you "knew then what you know now". Be sure to include interaction with Spry Validation Text Field, Spry Collapsible Panel widget, and Adobe widgets in your new design. Include any relevant screen captures or diagrams. Justify your choices.

Write a report on audio and video Web site design. Search the Internet to find at 5-10 Web pages that present audio or video on a Web page. Write a two- to four-page report, and describe how each Web page use audio and video to enhance users' experiences. Be sure to include URLs in your report. What would you apply to audio and video in a Web page, what would you not apply to audio and video in a Web page? Review code view of each one, and report which Web page uses HTML5 coding, and which one does not use HTML 5 coding.


Reference no: EM13759129

Questions Cloud

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Html coding : Write a two- to four-page paper describing how you would change or enhance your site if you "knew then what you know now". Be sure to include interaction with Spry Validation Text Field, Spry Collapsible Panel widget, and Adobe widgets in your new..
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