HSH746 Biostatistics Assignment

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132484386

HSH746 - Biostatistics - Deakin University

A Study in Norway examined the association between psychoactive substance use and sensation seeking behaviour among Norwegian drivers in Norway. An extract of the study sampling method is detailed attached.

Question 1. Which of the following is most correct about the target population in the above study
Thetarget population is (choose 1)
a) Norwegian drivers in the arctic, rural county of Finnmark
b) Norwegian drivers from south-eastern Norway
c) Norwegian drivers
d) Norwegian drivers in the six counties of Finnmark, Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Hedmark and Oppland

Question 2. Is the study representative of the target population? Give 2 reasons for your chosen response.
The A1data_U5MR.csv data is a sub sample from the UNICEF Global database on country specific under five mortality rate (UNICEFdatabase). The data has been modified and reports the median U5MR per 1000 live births for each individual country.
Use the A1data_U5MR.csv data for question 3.

Question 3. Using summary statistics in Stata - Provide evidence of whether the global mean U5MR increased or decreased over the period of 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2018. Indicate the percentage by which the U5MR changed from 1990 to 2018. Use a table to report your results (mean, SD and IQR) and report to 2 decimals.
Hint: Ignore country variable

The data set A1_nhis_childdata_hsuz.csv is a sub-sample of the 2018 NHIS and contains information on health services utilisation by children aged 17 and under (17 variables, 8,269 observations). A complete description of the variables in the data set is contained in the word document A1_nhis_childdata_description. You should read this data description before attempting to answer the questions.
Use A1_nhis_childdata_hsuz.csvdata to answer questions 4 to 7

Question 4. We are interested in investigating access and use of health care services for the last two quarters (intv_qrt = 3 and 4) for children five years and younger. Using the tabulate command in Stata, for each age group (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) indicate the number of children that had at least one place to go when sick and the number of children with no place they usually go when sick. Use a table to give your answer. Make sure your table has appropriate title and data source indicated.

Question 5. The data indicates that most of the children have a usual place they go to once they are sick. You are interested in knowing whether the type of place for usual care is at primary care level (GP/Doctor's office) or elsewhere. Using data from Qn. 4 - data for children under 6 years old. Create a bar chart with percent as the Y - axis using the variable cplkind. Add value labels and bar levels to the bar chart. Interpret the results of the bar chart.

Studies have indicated that oral health is important for overall wellbeing. It is recommended to have at least one dental visit each year. You are interested in knowing the numberof children aged 1-17 years that were able to have access to a dentist at least once during the year (year data includes all quarters - intv_qrt values 1-4).

Question 6. How many children aged 1-17 years had at least one dental visit during the year (use the variable cdnlongr)

A. 6,406 children aged 1-17 years had at least one dental visit during the year
B. 5,221 children aged 1-17 years old had at least one dental visit during the year
C. 7,694 children aged 1-17 years old had at least one dental visit during the year
D. 6,372 children aged 1-17 years had at least one dental visit during the year
E. All children are expected to have at least one dental visit during the year

Question 7. You are interested in investigating how long it has been since anyone in the family last saw or talked to a doctor or other health care professional about the child's health (variable cmdlongr).
Generate a new variable doctor_howlong(1 mark)
0 if doctor has never been seen or talked to
1 if doctor has been seen or talked to 6 months or less to less than 1 year
2 if doctor has been seen or talked to more than 1 year to less than 2 years
3 if doctor has been seen or talked to 2 years to more than 5 years

Question 8. In this question we will focus on an exploratory analysis of the fluvaccine.csv data variables. Check the four variables for any invalid and/or inconsistent values and take appropriate action.

Question 9. "Children's high risk of developing serious flu-related complications" is expected to encourage a higher uptake in children up to five years old compared to older children.

Generate a new variable - agegroup_1to5 for children aged 1-5 years old. Note that we are excluding age zero since data does not indicate age in months for children less than 1 year. Therefore, we cannot identify children less than 6 months and ineligible for the flu vaccine.

What is the percentage of younger children that had the flu shot?

How does this compare with the older children?

Does the date provide evidence of higher uptake of the flu vaccine by "younger children aged 1-5 compared to older children aged more than 5 years?"

Attachment:- Biostatistics.zip

Reference no: EM132484386

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HSH746 Biostatistics Assignment : HSH746 Biostatistics Assignment help and solution, Deakin University - assessment writing service - investigating access and use of health care services
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