Hrm practices in organisation of your choice in australia

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131165740 , Length: 3000 Words

Length: Required 2500-3000

Write a report on HRM practices in any organisation of your choice in Australia.
The major component of this assignment involves the following key steps:

Step 1: Make contact with an HR manger or senior manager from an organisation.

Step 2: Arrange to conduct an interview with the manager about HR activities.
Consideration might be given to the following aspects of HRM activities.

1. Approaches to HRM
2. The role of HR manager
3. General HRM activities
4. Strategic Environmental Analysis
5. Reinventing HRM
6. Recent changes in HRM

Step 3: Develop an interview schedule that can be used to interview manager. Questions might focus on issues given above.

Step 4: Conduct the interview with the manager. With the manager's consent, and in order to facilitate more accurate data collection, the interview may be voice recorded and the interview data subsequently transcribed.

Step 5: Compile, tabulate and analyses the interview data.

Step 6: Discuss the results of the interview followed by a description of the manager comments; the main aim of the report should be to offer some critical analysis of the topics, based on the integration of the interview findings with the finding of the previous research.

Step 7: Students are expected to consider the managerial implications of the activities that are potential to add value to the organisation. What aspect of the activity and its usage are particularly improving the HRM?

Step 8: Write up the assignment in the form of report.
The subject coordinator may subsequently contact the manager who participated in the project and asked to provide some feedback on the interview and the project in general. To this end, the contact details of the manager need to be provided.

This is an individual assignment. The aim of which is to enable the students to learn about the HRM practices in the organisation by directly interviewing an HR Manager and use their HR knowledge to offer some evaluation of the HRM activities.

Marking criteria
Part 1 (3 %)

• A title page (include your name, the name of your tutor and the title of the assignment);
• A table of contents;
• An executive summary (i.e. a summary of the whole report plus the names and titles of the interviewees and the organisation);
Part 2 (10%)
• An introduction (describing the purpose, scope of the report and background of the organisation and such things as limitations and assumptions if appropriate);
• The body of the report (describing, analysing, and evaluating the organisation'sa) HRM practice b) HRM changes and c) implications ).
Part 3 (7%)
• Conclusions and recommendations; and
• A list of references and appendices

Presentation of the essay should be typed format that is clear and easy to read.
Your report should meet the following expectations:

1. Ensure the topic and answered clearly, use subheading etc if needed
2. Read adequate literature to ensure essay is well referenced and supported
3. Pay attention to the rules of writing in relation to paragraphing, punctuation, spelling, etc.
4. Adhere to the word limit. If an assignment turns out much shorter or longer than required, rewrite it concisely, or you may be penalised.
5. A margin of 5 % above or below will be accepted.
plz make sure the report look like this and in appendix need questioner as well
TITLE PAGE report title
your name
submission date
overview of subject matter
methods of analysis
list of numbered sections in report and their page numbers
terms of reference
outline of report's structure
headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section. Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory
states the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion
makes recommendations
list of reference material consulted during research for report
information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its explanation

Guidelines to HRM 210 Ass1: An empirical report

Think about the ultimate purpose of a report: to review/inform the activities you have carried out in order to identify/analyse situations (explanatory report- the analytical approach) and problems, to make a proposal/ recommendations and ultimately provide solutions for an organization (persuasive report-the problem oriented method). Think about who is intended audiences. In order to achieve these goals, you and your team, are expected to write a report for the organization /your supervisor with appropriate structures both at a global and paragraph level taking into account various aspects of language. Don't try to write long and complicated sentences. Make the sentences succinct and simple with clarity.

1 Global structure of a report
There are normative formats that you have to follow when you write a report
Try to utilize assignment guidelines for constructing your executive summary and the introduction.

Title on the cover page: Elicit information based on prompts such as what, where, how, who. Neither too specific nor too broad. No more than 15 words.
1 A report on the evaluation of HRM in WPL
2 An investigation on the HRM practices at
3 A case study report on the evaluation of HRM practices

Executive summary: on a separate page (Focusing on what your findings are) Approximately 10% of your word limit. No more than 250 words. Usually two or three paragraphs are enough. It should be read self-sufficiently.
An executive summary consists of several sub stages such as purposes/aims, methodology, major findings/results, and implications or recommendations.

Purposes/aims: broad and immediate aims
1) This report aims to analyse a number of HRM practices in an organisation. Specifically, this report addresses the following six main aspects of HRM practices. These include ...
2) The present report provides critical evaluations on the following six aspects of HRM activities :

This report evaluate critically..
The main purpose of this report is to analyse...
This report is aimed at exploring/examining/ demonstrating/ displaying/analising
The report provides an analysis of / an investigation on

Theoretical frames/Methodology
Use past tenses/passive voices.
Mention briefly design: who, where, when, how the data was collected and method: how the data was analysed.
Make it clear either you used primary sources or secondary sources

The main methods used to achieve the goals included/ were/... both interviews and reported materials on the net or literature review, books, etc.
Interviews were carried out/ conducted/ undertaken/administered. 20 Participants/ respondents were interviewed.

The results/outcomes/findings of the report reveal/indicate/demonstrate that

In terms of/ with regard to/ In relation to/ regarding/ concerning/ when it comes to ...

Considering/given/ provided/ providing those issues that have arisen/(have been)raised recommendations/implications would be: / recommendations are as follows:
It is recommended that the company should ...
The results have implications for...

Table of contents: on a separate page

1 Introduction: 10-15% (200-250 words) (Focusing on what the report will be and why): Two paras

1.1. Background to the report: focusing on why you need to write this report
Organise general/specific and positive/negative structure
Think about causes/effects and problems/solutions
Orient the issues under investigation
Try to use present perfect or present perfect continuous tenses

Broad contexts: HRM function, the changing nature of HRM, the growing importance of HRM management and why?

Specific contexts: HRM practices/activities, roles of HR managers, strategic HRM, responding to the environmental factors .... its importance and why..
Defining key terms using various in-text referencing techniques
Introduce a case/ organization with regard to HRM practices.

A broad purpose of the report

It is thus necessary/ there is thus a strong need for evaluating/ to evaluate... This report intends to evaluate ...

1.2. Aims (on a separate paragraph): Repeat the purposes again in more detail along with outcomes/ benefits of the report

The broad research aim is to investigate the degrees and the ways of utilizing and implementing ICT at CSU. A subsidiary, and resulting, purpose is to address a number of issues in relation to/ relating to the organisation's operating ICT to improve services for students and staff. These include explaining..., providing as well as comparing.. Finally, a commentary on the issues arising from team work will be provided.

And you can use dots for your specific purposes
Report aims are as follows:
Research aims are:

• To identify several approaches..
• To explain/ explore/ investigate..
• To analyse
• To

Findings from this report will help a HR manager of the organisation to improve the HRM

Report Body (focusing on what the report is all about): 70% of words

2 Methodology
If your report requires any collection or analysis of data, it would generally contain a method section in the body of the report briefly describing how the data was collected: literature search, web pages, interviews (details of the questions and the subject pool), financial and other business reports, etc. Details of types of calculations or analysis undertaken would also be detailed

Use past tenses/passive voices.
Mention detailed design: Who are involved, and When/Where the information was collected either from secondary or primary sources. The nature of the data; How was the data collected (e.g. procedures in producing and conducting interviews); What was the data ? (the content of interviews). You can add questions to collect demographic data (gendar, age, position, length of work, background, etc) and then develop semi-structured questions based on the six aspects of HRM activities (see Appendix).

Research goals Data gathering strategies Participants/sites
1 Interviews
2 Secondary sources
3 Method: how the data was analysed.

Write down any analysis method used and step by step procedures in analyzing the data
3 Findings/Results and Discussion

Organise the findings in accordance with report aims that you have stated in the introduction

3.1 Sub-heading 1 300 words (e.g. Approaches to HRM)/Aim 1

There are several approaches that HRM can utilize in order to...
Evaluations on the activity of the organization combined by
interview findings

3.2 Sub-heading 2 (e.g. Roles of manager)

Interview findings

3.3 Sub-heading 3

Or you can organize the body by writing theories and results of the interview according to each activity.

3.7. Discussion and Managial implications
When you discuss the findings, you have to get back to the introduction and literature review, incorporating them into your discussion.
Given the results of analysis, write down some managial implications that the results of analyses bring with regard to the each activity. The focus is on whether or not the activity brings benefits to the organization. Which aspect of the activities and its utilization are particularly helping to improve HRM.

Conclusive summaries
4. Conclusion/recommendations (focusing on what the report has been about): 10- 15% (200 words) two para
Reiterate purposes briefly using one sentence
Summarise major findings: don't add new information
Limitations of the report
Suggestions for the further research

Recommendations on a separate paragraph

Reference no: EM131165740

Questions Cloud

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What is the value of the network on a college campus : What is the value of the network on a college campus? Consider students, faculty, and staff perspectives in your answer. What might be some of the tangible and intangible costs of having the Internet down for three days on a busy college campus?
Determine whether or not the data support your rankings : determine whether or not the data support your rankings. evaluate the relative worth of these jobs using the job ranking method.
What would you recommend to avoid similar losses in future : Lithonia Lighting, located just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, is the world's largest manufacturer of light fixtures, with more than $1 billion in annual sales. What would you recommend to avoid similar losses in the future?
Hrm practices in organisation of your choice in australia : Write a report on HRM practices in any organisation of your choice in Australia. The major component of this assignment involves the following key steps: Step 1: Make contact with an HR manger or senior manager from an organisation.
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Show that the k-path problem is np-complete : The k-Path problem is the problem of determining whether a graph on n vertices has a path of length k, where k is allowed to depend on n. Show that the k-Path problem is NP-complete.
Find whether a graph has a hamiltonian path is np-complete : The Hamiltonian Path problem is the problem of determining whether a graph has a Hamiltonian Path. Explain why this problem is in NP. Explain why the problem of determining whether a graph has a Hamiltonian Path is NP-complete.


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